Chapter 22

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ panic attack, a little swearing

Scarlett's pov:

I was hugging Y/n when I saw the camera flashes. F*ck. The paparazzi.

I gripped Y/n's hand and held it tightly as I knew she wasn't great with the paparazzi.

I started making my way to the car, and Y/n was holding on to me as if her life depended on it. Poor thing.

I opened the car door and ushered her inside. "Thank god the windows are tinted", I thought while closing the door and making my way to the other side so that I could get in.

When I hopped inside the car I saw Y/n on the car seat curled up into a ball, her whole body shaking.

I cupped her face with my hands and wiped her tears away, which didn't really work because new tears kept coming.

"Sweetheart, can you hear me?" I asked her. She nodded, and i took that as a sign to keep going.

"Honey, look at me".

Its going to be okay, they're gone now, I'm here", I said.

I cupped her face with my hands so that she was looking up at me. Her eyes locked with mine, and I could see the panic in them. "Look at me sweetie, it's okay, they're gone now", i said, trying to comfort her.

"Sweetheart, can you try and take a deep breath for me", i said. Even though it took her a few tries, she eventually managed to take a somewhat deep breath. "Good job honey, you're doing so well", i comforted her.

I held her to my chest so that she could hear my heartbeat, because that usually helps her calm down. 

"Try and breathe with me honey, breathe in..." she took at deep breath. "Hold it..." She held her breath. "And breathe out..." She let the air out of her lungs. We repeated the same process a couple of times until her breathing steadied. 

"You're doing amazing sweetie, are you feeling better?" I asked her. She nodded. "I-I'm sorry", she sniffled while wiping her tears away. "Why are you sorry, sweetie, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for", i said.

"Yes i have, you always have to deal with me and all of my problems, you have enough problems already", Y/n explained. 

"Look at me", i said. "You have to stop apologizing for things you can't control, and there is nothing in this world, absolutely nothing that is more important than you. Not Colin, not work, not my friends, you will always come first", i reassured her.

"I will gladly help you with your problems and anything you ever need, i need you to understand that okay?"

"I will put my whole life aside for something as simle as helping you with your homework or a panic attack, you can always talk to me or Colin, no matter what, do you understand?"

Y/n nodded and hugged me tightly. "T-Thank you mom, it means a lot", she mumbled into my chest. "Of course sweetie, anything for you", i smiled while rubbing her back. 

"Are you ready to head home?" I asked her when we pulled apart. "Yes", she smiled. "We have to take a quick detour to the grocery store though, Colin said we're out of popcorn, Rose apparently ate it all", I chuckled while reading a text i had just gotten from Colin.

"Umm... yea, sure, we can go to the store", Y/n mumbled. "You can stay in the car if you want, you don't have to come inside in case there is paparazzi there", i assured her which lifted her spirits.

We drove to the store in a comfortable silence, only interuppted by the music we were listening to. Y/n was on Instagram, replying to some comments by the looks of if. She was smiling, so i assumed the comments were positive.

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