Chapter 25

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ None I think

Scarlett's pov:

Colin and I were making dinner, and Rose had gone upstairs to go play by herself so we had the kitchen to ourselves. "Anything else Y/n has told you?" Colin asked me casually. "About what she likes to do or something like that?"

"Well, she said that she wants to do online school so I'll have to get her set up for that, and she also mentioned that she wants to try and continue doing some acting, apparently she has done some of that in the past.

This seemed to shock Colin, because he turned to me and looked at me with wide eyes, shock written all over his face. "She has done acting before?" He asked. "Yea", I shrugged. "She said she has done some commercials and a couple of small roles here and there, she has also taken some acting classes", I said while cutting some vegetables.

"I wasn't expecting that, but I think I have seen some of her stuff, that's why she looked so familiar", Colin said. "You've seen her stuff?" I asked him with wide eyes. "Yes, but before you ask, no I can't remember what it was but I'm sure she has talent", Colin said before I could ask him. "Alright then, but anyways, I was thinking about trying to get her a couple of auditions, you know, see how she is and then we'll take it from there.

She obviously has to get headshots done and stuff, and I also told her that if at any point she feels like she doesn't want to do it anymore, that's completely fine", I told Colin.

"Yea, I can imagine the pressure she would be under if she decides to start acting, with you as her mom, that's a lot to live up to", Colin said. "I'll be immensely proud of her no matter what she decides to do though", he continued while stirring up the stew we were making.

"I told her the same thing, it's important she knows that we're proud of her", I said and Colin nodded, busy with trying to find the right seasoning. We finished making dinner while doing general small talk about our day, and soon dinner was ready.

Colin went and set the table while I went and called Rose down for dinner. I found her in her room, playing with her toys. "Rose hunny, dinner is ready, are you hungry?" I asked. She immediately looked up and her face lit up. "Yes! What's for dinner?" She asked me.

"We made some stew, I hope you like it", I told her. Rose wasn't a picky eater, she would eat pretty much anything as long as she was hungry, so she got up and followed me out of her room. As we were passing the door to Y/n's room, Rose stopped me.

"Can we see if Y/n is awake, maybe she wants some dinner too?" Rose asked with puppy eyes. I couldn't say no to those, so I gave in. We quietly opened Y/n's bedroom door, expecting her to be asleep, but surprisingly we found her sitting on her bed, drawing in her sketchbook.

As we entered, she immediately closed the book shut with a smug grin on her face. "What, we don't get to see your beautiful drawing?" I asked, pretending to be offended. She giggled. "It's not finished yet, you'll get to see it when it is", she simply replied.

"Not fair", I said with a fake pout. Suddenly Rose said "Y/n, mommy and daddy made dinner and mommy said that if you were awake, you could come and eat with us if you wanted to." Y/n's face lit up at the word "dinner", and she nodded.

"I would love to join you guys for some dinner, I'll be down in two minutes", she said. I ushered Rose out of her room to give Y/n some privacy, and Rose and I want downstairs to find the table set for four people and Colin already sitting by the table.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked. "Y/n is coming too, she said she would be down in two", I answered as Rose and I sat down. We were all too hungry to wait for Y/n, so we started eating immediately. After two minutes Y/n came down the stairs, dressed and looking more put together.

She had brushed her hair and washed her face, it was no longer tear-stained from watching Jojo Rabbit. If you looked at her, you would never guess she had been sick just a few hours prior. "You couldn't wait, could you?" She joked as she sat down and started digging in.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" I asked. "A lot better actually, your soup must have helped", she answered while giving me a little smile. She could see I wasn't convinced because she continued. "Seriously mom, I'm feeling a lot better, I swear."

"Alright, I believe you", I gave in because she did actually look a lot better than this morning. We ate in silence, well everyone except Rose, she was babbling along about her day as usual. When she was finished, she disappeared up the stairs to her room, and Colin decided to finally ask Y/n a question.

"Y/n, Scarlett told me you wanted to do online school", he said. "I never said I wanted to, I said that was probably the best option for me", she answered which made Colin snicker. "Alright then, any reasons you want to do it that way? Not that there is anything bad about it, I'm just curious."

I shot Colin a glare which he didn't notice. Y/n was going to have to talk about the orphanage now, which I knew was a touchy subject for her, but surprisingly she answered. "Well, it's just because I've been home schooled my entire life, it's kind of what I'm used to, and also I'm not really thrilled with the idea of going to an actual High School", she shrugged.

Colin seemed happy with the answer because he moved on to the next question. "Alright, last question for this interrogation, Scarlett said you've done some acting before." Colin's joke made Y/n almost choke on her stew. "Interrogation?" She asked while trying not to laugh.

When she had calmed down, she said, "well, I've done some acting before, nothing major though, just some small stuff here and there".

"Movies or commercials?" Colin asked. "A little bit of both, mostly commercials though, they were less time consuming", she said. "I'm honestly more interested in doing movies though, they were a lot more fun to shoot and overall more interesting", she smiled.

"I'm sure I'll be able to get you some auditions here and there", I said to her, and she gave me a thankful smile. "Thanks mom, you don't have to though, I know you have a busy schedule."

"I always have time for you and what you're interested in", I reassured her while giving her a side hug. Y/n was silent and I got worried. "Sweetheart, did I say something wrong, you know you don't have to act just because I do right?"

"No, it's just that no one has ever cared about me enough to actually make room for me in their schedule, thank you" she mumbled. "Of course honey! You are my daughter, I'd do anything for you bubs!" I said and hugged her again.

"Alright, I understand you're having your moment, but I'm still here guys", Colin pointed out, making both of us laugh.

"How about we look at auditions after dinner?" I suggested. "Do you have time for that?" Y/n asked. "Of course, I have the rest of the day off", I assured her and she agreed to go look at auditions after dinner.


A/n: So we're looking at auditions now😏😏

Alright, I'll stop being weird, I hope you had a great start to your week (if that's possible, usually it's not), I have a week off school this week but I have to spend it looking after little kids at a horse riding camp (yes I'm an equestrian) and I have to get up at 6:30... Fun times...

As always, remember to take care of yourself and eat if you haven't already today, thank you so much for reading, love you 3000 😘(gotta love that Marvel reference)

Word count: 1425 words

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