Chapter 46

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ none i think

Y/n's pov:

I woke up at 8am, as usual on a school day, and I got dressed and went downstairs to get some food. Today Scarlett had filming the whole day and Rose was going to school, so Colin and I had planned a father-daughter day after I had finished my schoolwork for the day.

Rose and Scarlett were just about to leave when I got downstairs, so I said goodbye to them before heading to the kitchen where Colin was making breakfast. "Good morning dad", I greeted him which made him spin around.

"Good morning sweetheart, you hungry?" He asked and I nodded. He than placed a plate of food in front of me, and after I was done eating I went upstairs to start school for the day while Colin got started on some office work.

Today's schoolwork was relatively easy, so I finished it by 12. I then texted my friends for a bit, and we planned on meeting up next week. By 1pm, I went downstairs to eat some lunch. Colin was still in his office, so I made some food for him too.

I then went to his office to drop his food off. I knocked on his door and opened it slightly. "Dad?" I softly spoke. "Yes honey, do you need help with something?" He asked while turning around on his chair.

"No, I just made you some lunch, I figured you might be hungry, I'll just place it here, I won't bother you any more", I told him and was about to leave when he stopped me. "Hey, you can stay if you want, I'm almost done and thanks so much for the food, you really didn't have to" he thanked me.

"Alright, I'll stay then if it's okay with you", I said and sat down on a chair beside his desk which made him smile. We then dug in to our food and Colin saved no time in complimenting my cooking skills.

When we finished our food, Colin quickly finished up his work while I checked my social media and texted my friends. We had become quite close during these last days and I didn't go a day without texting or calling them.

Colin finally finished his work, and he spun around on his chair so that he was facing me. "Alright, so what do you want to do today?" He asked me. "Well, I don't know, maybe we could go to the cinema or something", I suggested.

"That's a great idea! How about we go to the cinema first and then we could eat dinner afterwards?" He proposed. "Yeah, that sounds great!" I smiled.

We decided to walk there, so we both put our shoes and coats on and began the long walk to the cinema. It was quite nice, just walking with Colin. I really got to know him, and he never failed to make me laugh, when I was with him, I forgot all about my terrible past, I managed to focus on the present.

We laughed pretty much the whole way there, and before I knew it, we were at the cinema. We had decided to watch "Star Wars, The Last Jedi", because it had recently come out and the reviews were good.

Colin seemed excited we had chosen a Star Wars movie and not something like Sponge Bob. I guess when you're the father of a 7-year old girl, you end up watching a lot of Sponge Bob and Barbie.

We went and bought our tickets before going to get some snacks. We obviously got lots of popcorn and a soft drink each. We also ended up buying a chocolate bar and some sour patch kids and some skittles.

Pleased with our snack choices, we proceeded to head to where the movie would be played. We found our seats and fat down, waiting for the movie to begin. The movie was great, really exciting at times, and I may or may not have found myself developing a slight crush on Rey, or Daisy Ridley who plays her.

I mean, we can all agree on the fact that Rey is good looking right? Good.

After the end of the movie, I was a sobbing mess. (I won't spoil anything don't worry) Colin just laughed at me, but I had seen his teary eyes.

We then proceeded to try and find somewhere to eat, as we were both getting quite hungry. We eventually found an Italian restaurant, noting 5-star, but it seemed like a nice and cozy restaurant.

We found a booth away from the windows as none of us were feeling like being looked at by everyone passing on the street. The waiter came with menus for both of us, and we were left by ourselves to order.

I decided on a pepperoni pizza with an iced tea to drink, and Colin went with some pasta bologna and a coke. I had said that he could have a beer if he wanted to, but he had shut that idea down quickly, he said that he didn't drink when he was around kids, which I greatly appreciated.

The waiter came back to get our orders, and when we had ordered, Colin proceeded to ask me some questions about myself and how I had met Scarlett. He always made sure that I was comfortable with answering his questions, and when he saw that I wasn't, he would quickly change the subject.

I ended up telling him a bit about some of my recent movies, my interests and how I had met Scarlett. He also told me how he had met Scarlett for the first time, along with some really sweet stories and memories they had.

The food eventually arrived, and none of us hesitated to dig in. The food was delicious, like really delicious. Maybe it was just because I was hungry, but the food was legit really good.

When we had finished our food, Colin payed the bill and we started our walk home. We dropped dessert because of the sheer amount of snacks we had consumed during the course of the movie, and we just casually chatted on the way home.

We got home at about 7pm, and both Scarlett and Rose were already home. We ended up having a nice family night with board games and lots of laughter and shouting, mostly Scarlett's shouting, she was really competitive.

When I went to bed that night, I thought about the amazing day I had today. Colin was such a good dad and he really cared for me, it felt nice to finally have a proper father.


A/n: Hellooo lovely people! How are you doing?

So a lot of people requested a father-daughter day so here you go, I hope it was ok :) 

I hope you're doing well and that you're taking care of yourselves, get some sleep if it's late, and if you haven't eaten today, please eat something

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 1173 words

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