Chapter 24

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ sickness and slight mention of bruising

Y/n's pov:

"What movie do you want to watch?" Scarlett asked me.

"Maybe Jojo Rabbit?" I said. (pretend Jojo Rabbit was released in 2016) I had been wanting to watch it for a while, I had just never got the time to actually do it. "Of course we can, It's a great movie, not just because I'm in it though", she joked which made me giggle.

"How about we watch it downstairs on the big TV, do you feel well enough to walk down there?" Scarlett asked me. The soup she had given me had helped, so I said that I could probably walk downstairs.

I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, with a little help from Scarlett. I had insisted on the fact that I didn't need help, but Scarlett being the protective mother she was, wanted to help me.

Downstairs, I collapsed on the couch, slightly out of breath but feeling much better than earlier. The soup and medicine had helped a lot. While I got comfy in front of the TV, Scarlett got us some snacks and tea to drink, she said it might help with my sore throat.

She put the snacks down and started the movie before getting comfortable next to me on the couch. I was wrapped in like a thousand blankets because Scarlett had gone full mom mode and insisted on me keeping warm as it might help with my fever.


The movie was great, very unusual but also very funny, and during the course of the movie, I found myself wiggling closer to Scarlett to the point where I was snuggled into her side with my head on her chest.

At the end of the movie however, I was sobbing into Scarlett's shoulder. "W-Why did the d-do that to R-Rosie, she was t-the sweetest character i-in the whole m-movie", I complained in between sobs.

"I know honey, I'm sorry, but you're the one that wanted to watch in though", Scarlett pointed out. "You could have given me a warning!" I almost shouted before going back to sobbing into Scarlett.

Scarlett let me cry into her shoulder until I calmed down, and then she asked me if I wanted to watch another movie. 


We ended up watching Sing after Jojo Rabbit, even though Scarlett wasn't thrilled with the idea of watching yet another one of her movies.

Half way through watching Sing, I found my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, until I closed my eyes and fell asleep on Scarlett's chest.

Scarlett's pov:

Y/n and I were cuddled up on the couch, watching Sing. I didn't like watching myself on screen as it made me realize more and more mistakes to my acting every time I would watch one of my movies, but Sing was alright, as only my voice was in it.

My day had been quite hectic, I had a couple of interviews today that I couldn't avoid, and I had been in such a rush in the morning that I hadn't realized Y/n was sick. I felt terrible, she had been to weak to even get out of bed when I got home.

It broke my heart every time Y/n felt like she couldn't tell me what was wrong, because she didn't want to be of any bother. She could never be an inconvenience to me, no matter what she did, I loved her with all of my heart.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Y/n shifted on top of my chest. As we were watching Jojo Rabbit, she had wiggled closer to me, which I didn't mind, it was really relaxing just cuddling with my daughter, it warmed my heart to know that she was comfortable enough to let her guard down around me, even after such a short period of time.

I looked down at Y/n, and I smiled when I saw her peacefully sleeping on top of me. She was a pretty sleeper, I mean, she was a pretty everything, but she looked so peaceful when she slept.

I gazed at her for a while, before deciding to move her upstairs to her room. I didn't want to wake her up as she was still sick and she was probably tired.

As I gently picked her up, she shifted but didn't wake up. I carried her upstairs and layed her on her bed. She was still in her pyjamas (is that how you write it idk) from this morning, so I didn't have to wake her up for her to change.

I gently tucked her into her covers. I kissed her on her forehead and whispered "I love you sweetie". I didn't expect her to answer as she was obviously asleep so I was surprised when she answered. "I love you too mommy" she mumbled before turning around.

The fact that she called me "mommy" was a big deal to me. I was still getting used to it, but every time Y/n called me "mom" or "mommy" I couldn't help but smile. I stood there for a moment watching my beautiful daughter sleep. Even though she was sick, her skin was pale, her hair messy and her eyes bloodshot, she still had this beauty to her, one I couldn't explain.

Maybe it was because she was my daughter, but she was always stunning to me, even the first day I had met her at the store when I had seen the panic in her eyes when she had accidentally revealed the bruise on her wrist.

I dragged myself out of my own thoughts, and left Y/n's room so that she could sleep in peace. I quietly closed the door before tiptoeing downstairs to clean up after us. It didn't take very long, I just had to put the blankets and pillows back where they belonged, and I also had to clean up our snacks and mugs.

It was only 5 in the afternoon, so I had some time before I had to get started on dinner. Rose and Colin would also probably be home soon. Just as I was thinking that, I heard the front door open. "Speak of the devil", I thought before I felt a tiny body come crashing into me.

"Mommy!" Rose squealed as I picked her up and spun her around. "Hi bubs, how was school?" I asked. "It was great, Lucy and I got to play with Lego's because we finished our work!" Rose excitedly told me. "Wow, that's great hunny!" I exclaimed before setting Rose back down.

"Where in Y/n?" Rose asked. "She is sleeping, she wasn't feeling too well", I told her. "Aww, is my sissy sick?" Rose asked with wide eyes. "Yes Rosie she is, so don't disturb her now that she is sleeping okay?"

"Okay, I'll be quiet", she whispered. "You don't have to whisper, just don't go into her room and jump on her bed or something", I laughed. My laughing was interrupted by someone hugging me from behind.

I turned around and pecked Colin on the lips before asking him how his day was. "How was your day babe?" "It was good, a lot of office work though, but I'm hosting this weekend", he told me with a smile on his face. "That's lovely, we should all come watch you!" I said and Colin nodded.

While we started making dinner, I told Colin that Y/n had been sick and that she had basically been to weak to get out of bed. I also told him that she had felt better after eating though, and we had watched some movies together.

Rose had gone upstairs to go play by herself so Colin and I had the kitchen to ourselves. "Anything else Y/n has told you?" Colin asked me casually.

"Well, she said that she want's to do online school so I'll have to get her set up for that, and she also mentioned that she wants to try and continue doing some acting, apparently she has done some of that in the past.

This seemed to shock Colin, because he turned to me and looked at me with wide eyes, shock written all over his face. "She has done acting before?" He asked.


A/n: Just a cute fluffy chapter for you guys, I know you love them😉

As always, thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me🥺🥰

You know the drill by now, eat or drink a little something, you've earned it, or go for a little walk, enjoy your weekend😘

Word count: 1469 words

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