Chapter 7

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The moon was high in the sky, shining its white light on the glittering exterior of the keep and casting shadows under the gnarled old tree where Leyla was training. There were no other trees in the Warrior Kingdom, the soil was too unforgiving for even grass to survive, but somehow the ancient tree at the highest point of the burned out Volcano's back had lived. Shouting distance from the inner keep, it stood, leafless and half rotten, at the very edge of the deadly drop that kept most from wondering too near. Both the quiet and the unshakable tree had attracted Leyla to this place as a child and it had long since become her safe haven.

Now, as she slashed the frosty air and twirled, her breath came out in white puffs of heat and disappeared among the gnarled branches of her old friend. Her sword with its slightly curved single-edged blade pointed at the sky, catching moonlight, then she drew her elbow close to her ear, her legs low over the hard ground. She held the position until her muscles threatened to quiver, then with one burst of inner-energy, she jumped sideways, one foot pointing to the ground, one foot, away. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, but she ignored the strain and forged on with the 63-steps of the Seven Star Sword for the twelfth time that night. Once the last light in the inner keep was extinguished, she would consider going to bed, but it was early yet. Although the last seating at the food hall had ended hours ago, some would still be running punishment laps at the climbing wall. She couldn't sleep, not when others were still awake and not until she had memorised the steps to her satisfaction. She wouldn't put it past that pig-headed Colonel to punish her if she made a mistake.

"Leo, please be reasonable! Let's go back to the feast..."

The distressed female voice slowed Leyla's steps, her sword swinging in an imperfect circle due to her distraction.

"Come on, Isabelle."

"Leo, please, let go!"

The couple came into view, the moonlight casting their shadows on the keep wall. Leyla stopped, narrowing her eyes as she recognised Captain Leo. With the dark and the distance it was impossible to be sure, but his unbalanced movements as he pulled the lady along behind him made it seem likely that he was drunk. The lady, who was garbed in yellow flowing silk and looked to be in her early-twenties and wore the gold crescent cuff bracelet that only royals wore. She seemed a lot more lucid than her companion...and much less willing. Mind your own business, Leyla.

"Leo, honestly, what has gotten into you?" The Lady was trying to sound angry, but her voice shook with fear.

Don't get involved. He is your superior!

"Oh stop with all the pretence!" Leo pulled the helpless woman into his side, then pushed her against the cold keep wall. "You think I don't know you want me? All women want me!" The Lady cried out, locking her arms in an effort to keep him away.

By Tevvuk's Beard!

"Captain Leo?" Leyla called in greeting as she ran from under the shade of the tree. She reached the stunned couple in a few strides "There you are Captain!"

Leo narrowed his bloodshot eyes at her. So he was drunk. Maybe if she could convince him to drink a little more, he'd pass out. Leyla put her hand on his shoulder, the hair on her nape rising at the contact. Smiling she moved him just enough to leave room for the Lady to escape. "I've been looking everywhere for you, Captain."

The Lady blinked for another shocked moment, then ran for her life. So she wasn't as silly as Leyla first thought.

Leo took a step towards the escapee, then turned thunderous eyes on her. "You little shit."

"Sorry, Sir! I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just wanting to ask your advice and thought maybe we could talk over a drink..." With a bit of luck, she could get it drunk enough not to remember the events of the evening.

"A drink?" Leo crossed his arms over his chest, looking more steady by the minute. Anger had a way of sobering one up. Boody Diyu!

"Yes, a drink. At the officers barracks. There is sure to be some people still about."

"I'm not interested in a drink," Leo said, taking a step towards her. "But why don't you put that sword down, and we can indulge in something even better?"

The sword! She hadn't even noticed that she was still holding it. "Ah, I really would prefer to have a drink. I've been training and am really thirsty."

Leo took another step towards her and then another, forcing her to retreat. She held her free hand up, recognising the look of a man out to do violence. "Sir, if you'd just stop for a moment, I'll explain ..."

"Explain?" He drew his sword from its sheath, pointing the deadly weapon at her. "No need to explain. Your physique should make up for the damaged face. Yes, the two of us should have some fun, don't you think?"

Leo of the House of Quartz was a bastard through and through. She had chased away his pray, so he had decided to make her pay. Leyla tightened the grip she had on her sword, hoping that she wouldn't have to use it, but feeling it was bound to happen. This is what you get for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!

"Captain, you've been drinking. You might get hurt. Please, put your sword away."

"You think a mixed-blood little girl can hurt me?" All pretences were off and Leo raised his sword, swinging it down with deadly force. Leyla jumped out of the way, side stepping behind him as he swung again. He wasn't a particularly good swordsman at the best of times, but he was a lot taller and a lot stronger than her. She moved quickly, avoiding raising her sword or coming within reach of the now fuming Captain. Realising that catching her wouldn't be as easy as he hoped, he became angrier and more careless.

For several more minutes the Captain swung at her and she pranced away, but it was getting more and more difficult to do so. Missing lunch and sharing dinner with Tia had left her energy supply low. Then the extra sword training on top of that, and she was starting to notice a delay in her reactions. If she used her sword to disarm him, this would be done, right here and now. But she couldn't do that. She couldn't embarrass Leo further, or he would definitely come after her again. If she could just find a way to end this without hurting his pride...


The commanding tone froze them both mid-fight. Leyla turned to find Colonel Alec walking towards them, the Lady from earlier close on his heels. Then she looked back at the still frozen Captain and groaned. There went not hurting his pride!

Warrior's Heart (Book 1 of The Warrior Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now