Chapter 44

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"I can't believe the next Light Queen saved my life."

It was the seventh time that Finn said the same thing since they rode out of the Healing Lands, and for the seventh time it made Alec stiffen.

They had set out early that morning after bidding farewell to Michael who was furious at having been called back to the Land of Light by the Book Keeper. He probably would never have agreed to splitting up if it hadn't been for that message: He awaits your return and asks you not to take too long to complete your journey. Raphael was obviously telling them he needed more time to terminate the engagement, otherwise he would have asked for her immediate return.

Michael agreed with her interpretation of the Prorex's words, but he was not happy with it. For hours he tried to talk her into returning to the Land of Light with him, before giving in under two conditions. The first was that she could not stay in the Healing Lands; he worried the Heka would find a way to trick Leyla into remaining after all. The second was that she could not go back to the Warrior Kingdom. For that, he wouldn't give her a reason, but she had a feeling it might have to do with Alec.

There was clearly no love lost between the two men. Whatever his reasons, Michael's adamant insistence on his conditions created an opportunity for her to continue searching for her father. Looking out over the vibrant terrain that would lead them to the Green Lands, Leyla breathed in the scent of Azba Berry bushes and sweet apple trees.

"Finn, I believe the future Light Queen has had enough of your rambling now." Alec looked in her direction. His eyes were the same colour as the cloudless sky, but she knew there were darker rings near the outer edges, had seen them up close...Leyla straighten on her horse, scanning the faces of riders around her. Bo, Sten, Wolf and Toke rode in front of them beside five Light Guards, another five Light Guards rode behind, Flinn was to her left and Alec to her right; gratefully not one of them seemed to have noticed the heat creeping into her face.

"How much longer is this going to take..." she mumbled, wishing the Warriors would leave so she could regain her balance. The Head Light Guards' insistence on giving her ten escorts was already excessive, but he would not be dissuaded and neither would Alec. The General and his men had been on their way to the Greenlands before coming across the ambush, so they still had unfinished business at the outposts. Since they were all riding in the same direction anyway, Alec would not hear about her not accepting their protection for the way.

"We should be there soon," Alec said, his eyes on the road.

By Tevvuk's beard, he'd heard her? She hadn't stopped acting like a fool since that stupid kiss...

"So Consort, what is the Land of Light like?" Flinn smiled over at her from his horse.

Consort. The title jarred, but Lady Alessa was no more real, so it felt pointless to insist on the latter. "It's pretty," she smiled, then tipped her head in query, "You are an officer in training, is that right?"

"Yes! I'm working towards becoming a Lieutenant. Alec has been training me..." Finn went on an on, getting carried away on tangents as seemed to be his tendency. Leyla let his words float around her, half listening, half looking at the scenery. Her eyes met Alec's who raised a brow at her as though to say he knew what she was doing.

Alright, so she had been evading Finn's questions for hours, but what else could she do? It wasn't like she was keeping secrets because she wanted to.

Finn was still talking about his training, when a Warrior outpost came into view. Sten whistled low, alerting the Warrior's ahead to their arrival, then at a nodd from Alec, Wolf and Toke rode ahead. Fifteen minutes later they had reached the three floored structure at the border of the Greenlands.

"General!" A dozen Warriors stood in a straight line, saluting with their fists at their chests as he descended from his horse.

"At ease," Alec gestured for them to relax. Leyla noted the starry eyed looks the soldiers sent him and wasn't surprised. He was a legend among Warriors, the youngest General in their history and their King to be. Alec marched to the Captain in charge of the outpost and spoke quickly. Leyla began to dismount, wanting to stretch her legs, but regretted the decision immediately. Five Light Guards scrambled to assist her, but it was Finn who reached her first.

"Let me help you, Consort," the boy supported her elbow.

"You do know that I don't need help getting off a horse?" She whispered, pulling her arm away.

"Of course." Finn grinned. "I have been instructed by the General not to ask you how it is possible, but I'm aware of how many men you had to fight to keep me alive Lady Alessa. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be polite. After all, you are the future Light Queen. And my saviour. And you're wearing a dress."

Leyla followed his cheeky gaze to the particularly cumbersome dress given to her by the Heka. The purple material was over long, had an embroidered bust that was far too tight, a collar that was too low and thin straps for sleeves that kept falling around her shoulders. As uncomfortable as it was, the wide, flowing skirts made it the only dress at the Heka's disposal that Leyla could ride a horse in.

Noticing the stares of the Warriors from the outpost, she wondered for the first time what they must think of her. She was surrounded by Light soldiers, but did not wear the outfit of a Lady of Light. They probably did not know what to make of her. She barely knew what to make of herself.

Alec walked over with a middle aged Warrior who had a short golden beard and kind smile, "Captain Morten, this is Lady Alessa and Captain Tennin of the Land of Light."

The highest ranking of the Light Guard, the red-headed Captain Tennin, remained a step behind her as he raised his fingers to his forehead in greeting.

The Captains exchanged curt greetings before Morten turned his attention on her.

"Lady Alessa, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Leyla resisted the instinct to raise her first in salute, trying for a polite smile instead. "The pleasure is mine, Captain Morten."

"The General has explained that you will be staying in the Greenlands for a few days," the older man went on. "I wish I could offer you accommodation but am afraid we only have barracks here with no privacy."

"Her guards will stay here. We will accompany the Lady to the tavern in King's Town." Alec pushed the concern aside as if it was a foregone conclusion.

He was being highhanded, but King's Town was where she had to go. Although this Kingdom had several towns and dozens of villages within the circle of farmlands that spread all the way from the outer fringes of the Giant Tree Forest to the foothills of Deadman Mountain, King's Town was where the Green King lived. And Leyla was going to need the Green King's help if she had any chance of finding her father.

"Consort?" Captain Tennin looked to her in question.

"Stay here at the outpost," Leyla agreed, feeling awkward for commanding people that were not her own. Tennin's auburn brows drew together with uncertainty as he watched the Warriors surrounding him.

"A few of us will come with you then," he said. "You can not go unprotected into the Greenlands."

"Your Consort will be well protected," Alec stepped beside her. "You have my word, Captain."

When Tennin looked like he might continue to protest, Leyla held up her hand. "I understand you Captain, but Greenlanders are used to the presence of Warriors. They are not used to Light guards. I will draw less attention and less danger to myself this way."

"As you command." The Captain bowed.

Leyla turned to Captain Morten now. Although she did not need an escort of any sort, she knew Tennin would not let her go without one: "Perhaps a few of your Warriors could to show me to King's Town?"

"Of course, my Lady-"

"I will take her, myself." Alec cut him off.

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