Chapter 25

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"There has to be another reason," Michael paced the garden, interrupting her training for the fifth time. Leyla could see a red hue in the sky above the inner keep walls; there was probably only an hour of sunlight left in the day.

"If you can't stay quiet, leave." Bringing her hands back into the first position of the Seven Star Sword, Leyla brushed an errant leaf off of her uniform. It was possibly the only positive thing that had come out of the disastrous dinner; she had gained permission from the Book Keeper to wear her Warrior uniform in the back garden of the Dome. Michael's mother had even given her a sword to practice with. It was a dress sword more than anything, light and beautiful, nothing like her own weapons which had tactfully been confiscated after their arrival. Nevertheless, it would do. Now if only Michael could leave, then she would have the back garden of the Dome all to herself.

"You were just forcibly engaged, La-La. How can you be so calm?" Michael complained.

Leyla raised a brow, but kept silent. There was nothing for her to say, not until she could digest what had happened. No one could walk out of the Land of Light without permission and the Leader had just declared he wanted her to marry his son, which in a nutshell meant she was stuck. Unless she was willing to fight her way out...she needed a plan, but to make a plan she needed information. All she had seen of this kingdom was the Dome and the islands around it. She still had no notion of the Kingdom's size, the number of soldiers, their weapon capabilities...

Sighing in the face of her continued silence, Michael finally gave up badgering her. "I'm going to speak to the Book Keeper. She will know what this is all about."

A calm settled after his departure and Leyla began the steps anew. During the years they spent in Asch, she practiced the 63 steps that Alec taught her often. It brought her mind into focus and allowed her to feel at one with her sword. It also made it easier for her to feel the energy in nature; the Heat that was all around her, waiting to be called.

Leyla focused on the stream that encircled the Dome's gardens, sensing the energy of the flowing water, the lotus flowers and the pebbles beneath as she stretched her arms above her head. Step, step, twirl, she spun, wrapping the scent of the orange blossoms around her like a cloak. Her body felt alive with colour and sensation as she jumped, slicing the air with the sword.

Was it just years of practice? Or a special vibration in the Land of Light? She didn't know what precisely, but Leyla had never felt the energy so keenly. A pulse at the front of her head made her close her eyes and move towards the strongest flow of energy in her vicinity. As she leaped and crouched, the roots of the trees moved towards her in her mind's eye, lending her movements so much power she was almost breathless.

All of her thoughts drifted out of her mind and for one moment she felt as if she had become a part of the garden. Or perhaps the garden was hers, moving to her will, bending in the breeze caused by her movements. Within reach, strands of Heat were waiting for her command, waiting for her to call them in and allow them to flow through her. But Leyla turned away, she was not willing to burn for momentary power. As she finished the last step and let her arms drop to her sides, she took a deep steading breath.

"Are you done?"

The unwelcome voice brought the events of the past few hours crashing back. Leyla opened her eyes, noting the fading light of day. She had lost track of time; darkness was nearly upon them.

"How can I help you, Prorex?"

Raphael stepped into her line of vision, his handsome features marred with frustration. "How can you help me? I am warning you, Warrior, refuse to marry me, or you will definitely regret it. I have more lovers than I care to count and I have no interest whatsoever in you. You will be miserable in my- "

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