Chapter 32

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"Do they never stop training?" Michael watched the Warriors in the quad with amazement as they walked down the stone steps to the second floor. The first year recruits were learning how to roll with their swords, an imperative skill that took a lot of practice. "I am pretty sure I heard swords swinging in my sleep last night."

Leyla looked away, but he caught the shift in her expression and his eyes narrowed. "It was you!?" Remembering that they had two Warrior guards escorting them, Michael switched to Asch: "Why am I even surprised? I don't remember a day that you didn't train when we were on Asch."

"Our bodies have memories." Leyla explained. "If I stop training, it would slow my reaction time, which could mean the difference between life and death."

Two maids carrying fresh bed sheets moved to the side, curtsying as they passed.

"You know, it's alright for you to forget all of that now," Michael said softly. "There is no need for you to fight anymore, La-La. I will always protect you."

Leyla didn't reply. She was grateful for the thought, but she knew Michael couldn't understand. Living under someone else's protection, whoever it may be, went against her nature. As for staying in the Land of Light? Not only was the thought of being a burden repellent, but she also did not want to live anywhere as a guest. Leyla needed a place she could belong.

She didn't know where that place would be, but she would not worry about that now. First she had to make sure Tia was alright. Then, after her ties with the Land of Light were cut, she would look for her father...Later, after she found him, there would be time to think about where to live. One problem at a time, that was a Warriors way.

"Good morning, Prince Michael. Good morning, Lady Alessa. May the light shine upon you!" Delphine joined them on the second floor, having arrived her room with two escorts of her own.

"Good morning, Lady Delphine," Leyla nodded. Michael pretended he hadn't heard the greeting. What was his problem with the girl?

"You should make haste, Prince Michael, the Steward is waiting to show you the progress on the planting of trees." Delphine took a step towards Leyla, "I will accompany Lady Alessa to the Princess's dress party from here."

Michael narrowed his eyes at the smirk Delphine was giving him. Leyla barely held back a snort. The Lady was obviously aware that he did not want to meet the Steward. Fascinated as he was Warrior culture, the last thing he would want to do was waste time with trees made in the Land of Light.

"We will see you later then," Leyla spoke when Michael didn't seem inclined to move.

"But La-La -," Michael stopped himself, then casting a scathing glance towards the pleased looking Delphine, he switched to Asch. "I'm going to get through this tedious task by thinking of fun ways to torture Miss Know-it-all over there once we are back in the Land of Light." With that, he gave Leyla one of his cheeky grins and continued down the stairs, two guards on his tail.

"Childish, overbearing..." Lady Delphine mumbled, watching Micheal's receding back. Then her eyes widened and she immediately started apologising. "Please ignore my unwarranted remarks, Lady Alessa, I-"

"Stop, please!" Leyla grinned. "There is no need for apologies. Michael can be both childish and overbearing." She saw the woman's shoulders relax and added. "And when he is worried, he can be quite tactless. I hope you will be understanding."

"Of course," Delphine nodded.

"Alright, let's go then." Leyla took several quick step towards the Princesses receiving rooms, before remembering she was not meant to know where they were going. She slowed down, letting their guards take the lead.

"Are we close?" Lady Delphine asked, unable to hide her excitement.

"Just a few doors down," Leyla nodded. "Have you been to a dress party before?"

"No, we don't have them in the Land of Light," Delphine admitted. "But I read all about them. The Princesses of the Warrior Kingdom have them when new materials come in from the Greenlands. The Princess takes her pick, then the ladies attending the party can choose pieces."

Leyla was surprised. If she hadn't been a guard to one of the Princess's dress parties while she was still an officer in training, she wouldn't have known what went on inside. "Do all ladies in the Land of Light study the customs of the Warrior Kingdom in such detail?"

Delphine blinked rapidly, then stammered "I...yes, well...I'm not sure, since all of us have private tutors and our educations are specified to different purposes..."

Leyla frowned at the now flustered girl. "And for what purpose would a Lady such as yourself study such customs?"

The colour drained from the Delphine's face. Was she training to spy on the Warrior Kingdom? No, there was no way. Delphine couldn't lie, must less spy. Then why... Suddenly, it all clicked into place. She should have guessed it earlier, after all what else could have equipped Lady Delphine to teach her how to be the next Queen, when she was so young? "Were you meant to marry the Prorex, Lady Delphine?"

"Forgive me, Consort!" Delphine pressed her hands over her heart and bowed her head so low her long brown hair brushed the ground.

"Don't call me that," Leyla reached for the girl's hands, casting a sideways glance at their guard as she helped her rise. She lowered her voice: "I'm not a Consort, I am a nobody."

"No! You have been chosen-"

"Stop!" Leyla cut her off. It didn't matter that their guards did not speak the Light language. All soldiers were trained in situation interpretation, and they would be reporting their impressions to their superior later. "Let's get to that party, or we will be late."

"I will follow your orders, always." Delphine kept her gaze lowered, obviously still worried that she might have given offence.

If only she could tell the girl she had no intention of going through with the engagement. Guilt gnawed at Leyla as they joined the Princess's party. 

Warrior's Heart (Book 1 of The Warrior Chronicles)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें