Chapter 6

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Note: Please bear with me, I am not the best at writing but I thought I would try && also I don't spell check all of the chapters so I know there may be a few or alot of miss spelled words. Thank you for your time && I will let you get back to reading.

Istared my car and drove to the stop sign that was at the end of the lane, as I waited for a few cars to go on a pressed the little button inside the car to take the top down. A few mintues later I was stopped at a red light and I pulled my phone out and texted Sean and Hector.

Me: Hey you want to go to the mall with me?

Sean: Hell yeah, are you going to pick me up my car is in the shop.

Hector: Yeah, what will we be doing.

Me: Alright Sean, Hector we will be getting stuff for my new room in my cousins house.

Both: Okay see you in a few.

Soon I pulled into Seans drive way and hocked the horn. Sean and Hector came out of the house and jumped into the car.

"Hey Beth, I missed you!" Sean said giving me a big hug as I backed out.

"I missed you too Sean."

"Hello, what about me?" Hector said with a small pout.

"I missed you too Hector." I said as I stopped at a stop sign and turned around to give him a big smile.

"Well I sure as hell can't miss you when you were in my bed last night." Sean said with a smile as he looked at Hector.

"Okay I didn't need to hear that you two!" I said as I stuck my tounge out and pulled into a parking spot.

They both laughed at me and then slung their arms over me as we walked into the mall. "Where do you want to go first?"

"Well what do you need?" Sean asked me as we made it into the mall.

"I don't know really I just want to get stuff for my room. Dad already knows about it and said to send it on whatever." I said as I looked at both of them and then headed to one of the cases that had a bunch of rings and other stuff.

We stayed there for a few minutes, I bought a few new rings, necklesses, and earrings. I smiled as we walked off and into Victoia secrets, the boys bought me some perfume

as I bought some clothes from Pink.

We walked out of there and into a few other places, when we finally got out of the mall my whole trunk was full of bags and the seat that was behind me was about to be full as well. Not with more clothes but with dog stuff.

I turned down a few streets and pulled into a parking lot, "What are we doing here?" They both asked in unison.

"I want to get a puppy." I say with a smile as I pulled the keys out of the car grabbed my purse and walked to the building with Sean and Hector right behind me.

"Can I help you?" Said a husky voice as we walked in. I looked up to find a tall boy with no shirt on and rippiling muscles.

"Uhh.. I would hope so, I am here looking to adopt a puppy." I said with a smile on my face.

"Alright, follow me." He said as he walked away, me, Sean, and Hector all followed him to the back. "Here is our puppies."

"Thank you, I am sorry I didnt catch your name." I said as I looked into his deep green eyes.

"I am Chase, Chase Leroy." He said as he smiled at me. I nodded my head as I stood there and just looked at him like I was stupid. "You are?"

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i am" I say stuttering like a major idoit "I am Bethany, Bethany Swan."

"Nice to me you Bethany." He says as he holds out his hand. I shack his hand and smile at him, "Nice to meet you Chase."

"Where do you go to school at?" Chase asked me as he let go of my hand. I put my hand down and started looking at the puppies that where whining.

"I just got here, Im going to a High School in white settelment." I said as I played with one of the puppies.

"Thats cool, I go there too." He said as he stood and watched me play with the puppy. "I think it likes you."

I could here the smile in his face, with the way that he was built I could tell that he was most likly a jock and he had a girlfriend so I guess that rules out flirting. "I guess it does, I think I will take it."

"Great." he said as he pulled a paper off the door and went back to the front desk. Sean, Hector, and I walked on behind him. He typed in a few things and then looked at me, "Name?"

"Bethany Swan"




"ummm 2431 parker street 875 S."

"Alright, all you need to do is sign right here." Chase said as he slid the papaer across the counter and handed me a pen. I signed the paper and slid it back to him. "Okay I will be right back with your puppy."

Chase left and we waited for him to come back. "Okay I will give her, her shots and you will get a free meidum bag of puppy chow to start you off. oh and she will get a homing device put in her so that way you can find her if she gets lost."

"Thank you." I said with a smile as I waited for him to do all the stuff he needed to do to her. 30 minutes later he brought the dog back out to me and all the papers that I needed for her. I put the papers in my purse and then took the little puppy from Chase.

"Chase, is there any dog stores around here?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to him seens Hector and Sean were making out.

"Yeah there is one just right up the street." He said as he thought it over. "Just take this road up to the nearest stop sign then turn right and got up until you see the sign for the petco that is up there."

I smield and nodded my head, "Thank you so much you have been a huge help."

"Your welcome." He said as he looked at me, I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked over to Sean and Hector to stop their make out session.

They both mummbled something groaned and then got up following me to the car. We pulled out of the parking lot and and then pulled into the petco parking lot. "If you two are going to make out you two are going to have to stay here!"

"Okay!" They both said excitedly as Hector and Sean slid down into the back seat. "Okay ew!"

-----------Here is her new puppy----------

Name: Lilly

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