Chapter 19

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“Beth, honey calm down we will find him.” Kyle said as he looked at me as I cried my eyes out about my son who was lost and he is telling me he will find him.

“The why are you still standing here!” I yelled at him as I cute Kyle in the play pin where he is unable to get out of.

“Don’t yell at me, I am trying to figure out where he went.” He said as he looked at me with a pouting face.

“He isn’t even one, there is no thinking. Look!!!” I said as it rose into a yell at the end.

Kyle stopped standing there and started running around the house looking for our now missing child.

Two hours passed by and Kyle and I still have not found Ricardo, I was curled up in the corner with my makeup covering my face. I sat there in the corner as I rocked back and forth. I mean come on two hours have passed and my son has not cried not once. I was dying inside my son was gone; Kyle and I were the only ones who had been in the house. Chase had left before I got up to put up with Ricardo.

Kyle was now passed out on the couch while I sat there and looked at the floor rocking in the fettle position on the floor. Soon I heard and cry and I knew it wasn’t Kyle because Kyle was in Kyle’s arms asleep. I stood up from the spot that I was sitting in on the floor and walked towards the spot to where I thought the crying was coming from. I opened the door to my cousins master bedroom to find Ricardo under the inn table that was near the door.

“Ricardo!” I yelled as I picked him up off the floor from where he was crying. “How in the world did you get in here? Huh Rico?”

I carried him out of the room and the next thing I knew was that I was skipping school tomorrow. Well I have to skip anyways I don’t have anyone to take care of the boys during the day. But the number one thing that is on my list besides forcing Kyle out the door will be to go and get baby gates so my children won’t run off from me again. I rounded the corner to find Kyle holding Kyle, “You found him?”

I looked from him to Ricardo who was silently crying into my shoulder then looked back at Kyle, “No, what are you taking about this is bob. You remember the triple?”

“What?!” Kyle said as he started to freak out about just now finding out about a so called ‘third’ child. “When did you have this one? I mean you only came home with two.”

“Kyle I am pretty sure that if he is Kyle and Ricardo’s triplet then they would have most likely been born at the same time.” I said looking at him as if he was stupid.

Kyle’s mouth fell open as he looked at me to ‘bob’, a small smile came across my face as I looked at him  then my free hand slowly rose tell it hit him dab on the forehead. This is where I would have said something like ’you should have had a v8 bitch.’ But instead “Stupid its Ricardo, I am pretty sure that I didn’t have three kids.”

“Oh my goodness, you scared the living day lights out of me.” He said as he turned to looks at me as I walked off trying my hardest to sooth my crying son.


“Kyle you dumbass get up!” I yelled as I picked up the pillow that was near me and smacked him on the head with it.

“Mmmmmm five more minutes.” He groaned as he rolled over to face his wall.

“No, dumbass you need to be going are you will be late for school again. And if you are late for school again they will give you and oss. (out of school suspension)” I said as I hit him a few more times.

“You know for you to be my lovely baby mama, you sure are mean.” He said as he set up in his bed looking at me with a stupid little grin on his face.

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