Chapter 47

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I stood outside of the house as the boys walked into the house, I could tell that they had never been in the house before because as soon as they stepped foot inside the house there were constant 'WOWs' and 'OMGs' coming from inside thehouse. I smiled to myself they so lied to my face, they didn't buy this house. I shrugged my shoulders as I walked into the house. It is hudge, as I walked in I was welcomed by a long hallway that made me enter into the living room. There was a giant flat screen TV hung on the wall, two love seats, a giant couch, two recliners, coffee table, and tables by the two recliners. When I turned to the right there was stairs, I didn't even bother with walking up them. I walked into the kitchen where I found a vase full of my favorite flowers.

I walked over to the flowers and looked them over, they must have just gotten there. I didn't pay much attention to it, but I found a car that was in the middle of the flowers. I pulled it out of the flowers and then looked at the card, all it said was Beth. So I flipped it open to see;

Hello Beth,

I hope you are having a great time exploring your new house. Don't let the pack of boys who brought you here fool you, I bought this house.

It is all paid for and so is all the furnature that is in the house. Also if you go upstairs and into the master bedroom in the nightstand closest to the bathroom.

You will find that there are 10 plane tickets to Vegas, I suggest you use them soon. Don't worry my dear Bethany, the best is yet to come. There are just a few extra gifts along the way.

Love you bunches, I really do. -N.M.

I looked at the writing on the card, I knew that writing. I didn't pay much attention to because while I was trying to figure out the hand writing I heard the boys yelled "House party!"

"No!" I screamed as I ran into the living room to find that they have already put up the lights. "Damn that was fast."

"How do you think we get through the night when chicks go to slow?" Bryan asked me as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Okay, eww." I said as I looked at him and stuck my tongue out at him. "I don't need to hear about your sex life."

"Hey you were once apart of that sex life." He spoke as he jumped from the stairs to infront of me, hr put his hand to my face and brushed the hair that was in my eyes out of the way. "Don't you remember that?"

"Yes." I said in an almost out of breath, he smiled and walked away from me. I heated it when he did that, soon I was interrupted by my cell phone going off. when I flipped it open and it showed me a picture of the boys smiled their father. I looked even harder, I found Becca in the picture. My eyes filled with tears, I didn't want the boys to see that I might cry so I walked up the stairs and into the master bedroom that was on the third floor. 'Note to self tell who ever gave me this house that they must not know me because I hate stairs!' I walked into the bedroom and walked to the bed side table not only to find the tickets but another note.

Looks like you finally walked up the stairs, I know I did the three story house for a reason. I know you hate stairs, but after having twins you'll need to work off that baby fat. That is if you have any, now to my point. If you walk into your closet you will find it filled with clothes with everything you like, along with the drawers and if you walk into the boys' room you will find all the clothes and everything you need for you and the boys for every!

p.s. You will see me in a few days so don't go all crazy on me. -N.M.

I didn't feel like walked all the way back down the second floor, so I stayed in the master bedroom. I walked over to the closet and say what the mystery person was talking about they had supplied my closet full of designer clothes, I mean everything. I smiled to myself as I went back over to the bed. A few minutes after I closed my eyes O was dead asleep and I didn't wake up until I heard the loud pounding of the music. I picked up my phone to find the time, it was about 7:30 I groaned and rolled over.

When I woke up the next morning Bryan, Levi, and hector were in the bed with me. I don't know how they got here, but the good thing is that none of were naked. We left the house after everyone woke up and went back to the house where I found Xavier and his fiance Shay outside talking. She was crying and I wasn't going to walk over there like I had planned to tell my aunt and uncle what someone had gotten me. When I got out of the car I quickly looked over to find her giving me a death glare, I smiled sweetly and she rolled her eyes at me. I pulled out my cell phone as soon as I go inside the house and texted Xavier

Me: Why did your fiance just give me a death glare?

X: She is mad because I told her our long relationship before we found out we were cousins.

Me" Wow, so she had to give me a death glare for it?

X: Yeah, she is still a little upset about it too.

Me: Hey. is your brother home?

X: No, not that I know of.

Me: Okay, thank you.

X: Your welcome sweetie, I love you.

I didn't answer him but I heard Shay scream "How could you still be in love with her! She is your little cousin! Why are you texting her, I am about to be your wife and you are texting someone you were in love with years ago!"

"Shay!" I heard Xavier scream, I looked out the window and she was on the ground, and she was in tears while she leaned on the pole for support. "Why did you throw my phone on the ground!?"

"So you wont be talking to some other girls that might have stolen your heart!" She screamed as she slapped him across the face. Well I didn't listen to the rest of the conversation, only because they were in silent whispers and only now and again would they get out of hand where one of them would come to a shout. But I must say that Xavier had this coming to him. I walked passed the living room where I found the boys playing on the wii, so I walked into the kitchen and pulled out and apple juice box and sipped on that. "You know Beth, You need to start dating." I heard Levi and Bryan say at the same time.

"Why?" I said as I looked at them.

"Because you are a single mother of two, and the father of the boys is to busy with another girl who is pregnant." Bryan said he turned around to look at me.

"No, I am fine with being and a single mother." I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fine Bethany, but you can't run forever." Bryan said as he looked at me, I could see the sparkle in his eyes. I flicked him off and then went down the hall way to my bed. I laid there in my bed looking at the pictures that Kyle sent me, in a way I was thinking that he was trying to push the fact that being a family in my face. I was crying before I could even think, I might as well just let him have the twins so him and Becca could have the family they were showing me.

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