The Handsome Businessman

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The perfect guy is not the one who has the most money or the most handsome one you'll meet. He is the one who knows how to make you smile and will take care of you every day until the end of time. ―Unknown

After dropping Juliet off at her house, Keith drove back to his place feeling disappointed. He couldn't help but think about how he could have made their first date more enjoyable. Despite his frustrations when Juliet rejected him, Keith made sure to be a gentleman throughout the night. He gave her everything that women typically describe as a perfect date, hoping to impress her enough to marry him. However, Keith learned that pleasing Juliet Wagner is no easy task, and he can't back down from a challenge.

As Keith parked his car in the garage, he walked into his house in long strides. His black blazer was tossed on the couch in the living room, and his pink tie hung loosely around his neck. The sleeves of his button-down white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and his silver eyes glared at the television screen. Keith ran his hand over his messy jet-black hair, feeling frustrated for the nth time. He remembers the first time he saw her, his green-eyed angel, on a rainy November day five months ago, one day before Thanksgiving.

Keith was overwhelmed with emotions as he walked away from Cassandra Lawrence, feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. His chest was tight with pain and completely soaked from the rain. He didn't want to go home just yet, feeling lost both physically and mentally. It was like everything he held dear in life had been taken away from him, and he was left with nothing. He was angry with himself for being so foolish.

As he walked, he could hear the sound of his footsteps on the wet ground and the rain tapping on his slumped shoulders. He knew he needed to escape the rain soon to avoid catching a cold, but he didn't care. He felt like he had nothing to live for, not even Carlton Enterprises, which was his family's business. He didn't care about it anymore. His mother had his siblings, Kayden and Kimberly. But he took a deep breath when he thought about his six-year-old sister, Kimberly. He knew he needed to be there for her when she grew up and deal with the boys who would try to pursue her.

Feeling lost and unsure of where he was, Keith sat down on the steps of a random house. He was grieving and felt foolish, but he was also incredibly angry. He didn't pity himself, though. He was just furious beyond reason.

He heard footsteps approaching him and recognized the person as a female from her shoes. Keith was not interested in small talk, especially not with a woman. He was feeling depressed and knew he could say something hurtful because he had been looking for someone or something to take the blame for his anger, which was directed toward Cassandra.

The woman sat beside him, and the rain no longer fell on his shoulders. After a long silence, she whispered, "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Her voice was soft and tired as if she had been crying for a long time, yet it sounded like music in his ears.

At first, Keith thought she might have been a prostitute looking for a quick lay, but her voice was that of a typical next-door sweetheart. He couldn't understand why she would sit beside him, a nobody, in the dangerous streets of New York. However, he suddenly needed to protect her and get her home safely, away from the dark hearts that roamed the streets after midnight. He wondered about her family and how worried they must be about her. She sounded like a girl who was missed and loved by people.

Keith was enchanted by the girl's conversation and didn't have any complaints about the company. However, his curiosity got the best of him, and he turned to face her with steel-grey eyes. Keith could have sworn that an angel sat beside him if he believed in mystical creatures. Her forest green eyes looked up at the rain with a genuine smile playing on her lips. Her brunette hair fell on her shoulders and smelled like fresh strawberries. She was a sight for sore eyes!

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