My Wife's Honor

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Dedicated to: mishita00

"Because I've also realized very clearly that I love you. I have loved you for a long time and I am very sure that I will always love you. You are a wonderful, vibrant, incredibly lovable person, you have enriched my life and shown me who I really am, and I will be eternally grateful to you for that." ― Jutta Swietlinski, Returning Home to Her

"Keith!" Juliet's voice, filled with a playful echo, bounced off the tiled walls of the steam-filled bathroom. Her emerald eyes, usually bright and mischievous, held a hint of sleepiness this Monday morning. A determined glint flickered in them as she applied a sharp line of eyeliner, the black flick of the brush mirroring the sharp angle of her cheekbone. Her lime green button-down shirt, the color of fresh spring leaves, contrasted beautifully with the sleek black of her waist-hugging skirt and blazer. Her brunette hair, usually worn loose, was pulled back in a high ponytail, showcasing the elegant arch of her neck.

A knock on the door, followed by the creak of the hinges, announced Keith's arrival. He peeked in, his tie askew, a smile playing at the corners of his lips, a smile that always managed to light up the room. "Yes, love?" he rumbled his grey eyes, the color of a stormy sky, locking with hers in the mirror. Juliet felt a shiver crawl down her spine as his gaze lingered on her, a slow, heated assessment that sent a blush creeping up her cheeks. Satisfied with his inspection, Keith winked, a familiar gesture that should have felt routine. But today, it sent a jolt through her, and Juliet rolled her eyes at him.

"What? Is there a rule against flirting with my wife?" he drawled, his voice dropping to a husky register as he spoke the possessive "my wife." The sound of it wrapped around her like a warm towel, sending butterflies erupting in her stomach. Juliet couldn't help but think, "Seriously, could the universe have given me a hotter husband?" A traitorous heat flooded her cheeks, making her feel like a teenager again.

"You didn't have to barge in here, you know," Juliet said, a playful pout replacing her earlier seriousness. She capped the eyeliner and reached for her soft pink lipstick, which mirrored the flush on her cheeks. For all you know, I could have been dressed in nothing but a towel!" she trailed off, shaking her head at him, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

Without looking up, Juliet reached for the doorknob, ready to make her escape. But fate, or perhaps her clumsiness, intervened. She stumbled right into a solid wall of muscle – Keith's chest. The impact knocked the breath out of her lungs. The clean scent of his cologne, a mix of citrus and spice, filled her senses. Her fingers instinctively clutched at his crisp dress shirt, the feel of his toned abs sending a jolt through her. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs, and she was sure her cheeks rivaled the red of her lipstick.

Keith's hands slid down her waist, sending shivers dancing across her skin. He leaned in close, his breath warm on her ear.

Juliet felt a searing heat crawl up her spine as Keith's hands grazed her waist, sending shivers down her. He leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear, and the familiar grey of his eyes darkened with a mysterious emotion. A playful smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, a smirk she knew all too well and secretly hated for its ability to fluster her.

"The image is already burned into my mind, wife," Keith murmured, his husky voice sending goosebumps erupting across her skin. "So, when are you going to dress in a towel for me?" His gaze, now gleaming with a devilish glint, held her captive.

Everything about this situation was a potent cocktail of desire and panic. Butterflies erupted in Juliet's stomach, their wings frantic against her ribs. A blush crept up her neck, staining her cheeks a fiery red.

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