Better Half

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"I need to hear that you'd die for me. Again and again and again. So please tell me when you look in my eyes. Can you share all the pain and happy times? Because I will love you for the rest of my life. This is my very first love song. That didn't end in tears." - Pink.

"You're marrying this man. So all that bull you used to say about different social standing and how it did not matter! You are a liar, Juliet!" Lucas's words hit Juliet like a series of blows to her stomach. The harshness and aggression in his tone were unfamiliar, making her wonder what had caused such a sudden outburst. As she tried to process his accusations, she found herself unable to speak, tears welling up in her eyes. Why was Lucas angry with her? He cheated! Lucas kissed Jessica White at the party and he had insisted that Juliet attend with him.

"I guess you're just like all these other rich women. You only care about a man's bank balance and what that money can buy you. You don't care about love or personality! So I was just your little plaything, huh?" Lucas glared at her. Juliet would be bleeding to death if looks could kill.

Juliet had been in love with Lucas for months, even though they came from different social backgrounds. She had fought with her family and friends to be with him. She had always believed that their love was stronger than any societal barriers. Still, now Lucas's words were making her doubt everything.

The absurdity of his words rendered her speechless. Even though any other woman would be angry at Lucas, she, on the other hand, could not stop the tears burning her eyes. Juliet blinks, fighting her tears from rolling down her cheeks. Juliet could not believe she fought her family and friends for this man. She had her first argument with Jeremy because of Lucas. She has sacrificed a lot and compromised on her life principles for him, and if he had asked, she might have found a way to bring the moon down for him. That's how much she loved Lucas.

As if sensing her distress, Keith, her husband, wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. The scent of his cologne filled her nostrils, making her heart race. His warm, hard body offered her a sense of safety and security that she had never felt before.

"Darling," Ignoring Lucas completely, Keith spoke softly to Juliet, his lips brushing against her ear. She felt his breath on her cheek, causing a flurry of emotions to erupt.

"I don't like men who undress you with their eyes hanging around you," Keith says in a dark tone. His possessive grip made her feel wanted and loved, erasing her doubts about their relationship. Despite her initial anger and embarrassment at the situation, Juliet got lost in Keith's eyes, feeling like they were the only two people in the room. She knew that she would always feel safe and protected with him by her side.

The butterflies in her stomach were going haywire. Her face resembled a tomato. Her emotions seem to fly everywhere every time Keith is close to her. She felt his breath fanning against her ear once more. "That's only my right," he added with a playful chuckle. Juliet looked up at her Greek God of a husband, getting lost in his steel-grey eyes for a moment. Her mind felt in a trance, unable to decipher the words spoken.

Keith thinks of me naked!

"Mr. Carlton, I'm Lucas Sullivan. I hope you are happy with the decor." Lucas's voice breaks the romantic moment between the couple. Keith slowly turns away from his beautiful wife to glare at Lucas. His gray eyes are willing Lucas to erupt in flames and burn into ashes right before them. Juliet feels her face heat up in embarrassment.

"Why are you talking to my wife?" Keith asks Lucas harshly, ignoring the offered handshake. The tension between the two men was unnerving. The atmosphere could be more relaxed. Lucas drops his hand to his side, an uncertain smile on his lips. Juliet felt Keith's fingers drawing meaningless patterns on her waist to let her know she would always be safe with him. Juliet hates this man even though he is her husband. Yet, despite her feelings for Keith, she leaned into his body's warmth and protection.

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