Girl Next Door

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Dedicated to InshirahTheTalker

'I know (I know), everything (everyone) is a lesson. But sometimes I wish I could stop learning and start living.' - Rachel Huckel, Fleeting things.

Keith stirs, eyelids fluttering open like butterfly wings. A sleepy smile, crinkling at the corners of his eyes, spreads across his face as he feels the familiar warmth of Juliet nestled against him. Her back rests comfortably against his chest, the soft cotton of her nightgown whispering against his skin. A quiet chuckle escapes his lips as he remembers the playful pillow fort she'd constructed just the night before. He can almost picture the determined set of her brow as she meticulously stacked the fluffy barriers, a futile attempt (adorable, of course) to keep him at bay.

With tender care, Keith brushes a stray strand of hair from Juliet's face, tucking it behind her ear. The moonlight paints her skin with an ethereal glow, making it appear like smooth, polished ivory. Her lips, naturally rosy and slightly parted in sleep, hold the promise of a soft morning kiss. He lays on his side, his head propped on his hand, mesmerized by the peaceful rhythm of her sleep. In these quiet moments, bathed in the silver light of dawn, Keith knows a contentment so profound it takes his breath away. Here, with Juliet by his side, he feels a happiness so complete, he could face anything.

He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her head, the warmth radiating from her body a tangible comfort. Sleep peacefully a little longer, he thinks, silencing the insistent chirp of the alarm before it can disrupt her slumber. He remembers all too well Juliet's aversion to mornings, the endearingly grumpy way she'd swat at the offending clock, her voice thick with sleep and laced with playful sarcasm.

There's not a single thing about Juliet that bores him. Her fiery spirit, the way her eyes sparkle with mischief, her infectious laugh – everything about her keeps him captivated. If he could have one wish, it would be to spend his every waking moment ensuring her happiness. She deserves a lifetime of joy, for bringing him back from the darkness he was lost in just ten short months ago.

With a soft sigh, Keith reluctantly removes his arm from around her, the warmth of her absence a tangible thing. He pulls the covers gently over her shoulder, a silent promise to let her sleep. As he makes his way to the bathroom, a secret smile tugs at his lips. Every morning since their wedding day has dawned bright and hopeful. He can't help but marvel at the transformation she's brought about in him. The beach trip two days ago – Keith could not recognize the man he became only for Juliet. He was never the kind of guy to go out of his way for a woman, but with Juliet, it all comes naturally.

That morning, a strand of golden sunlight peeked through the blinds, painting delicate stripes across Keith's face. Inspired, he decided to surprise Juliet with breakfast in bed. Padding softly to the kitchen, he peeked into the refrigerator. A carton of sunshine-colored orange juice caught his eye first. Beside it, nestled in a paper carton, were a dozen eggs, promising a fluffy scramble. Thick-cut bacon, marbled with ruby-red veins, rounded out the savory trio.

Keith started the coffee maker, the rhythmic gurgle a comforting counterpoint to the sizzling bacon soon greeting him from the pan. He prepped his usual double shot of espresso, the dark liquid his morning muse.

Twenty minutes later, a feast fit for royalty awaited Juliet on a sturdy oak tray. Two plates displayed golden-scrambled eggs, embracing crisp, cede-colored bacon strips. Beside them, slices of toasted wheat bread awaited a slather of butter. A small crystal bowl held a vibrant medley of ruby-red strawberries and sunshine-yellow mango chunks. A tall glass of orange juice sparkled with condensation, and a steaming mug of espresso completed the picture.

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