chapter five

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"Alright Nina, we got this," Olivia told her mare before starting on the jumps. She completed the course without error, though she could feel she'd suffered from her lack of training. She could feel the difference, and she could only imagine James could see it too. She brought Nina over to him.

"That was good, but your horse is out of training, you're gonna have to train more if you want to be ready," he said.

"I'm training as much as Nina can," Olivia replied.

"Don't let your horse limit you," he said.

"She needs rest," Olivia argued.

"Your horse is a tool, you have to use it. You tell her when to stop," he said, and Olivia looked down at him distraught.

"Nina is a living breathing being, she needs rest and food just like you or me. I'm not going to disregard my horse's health because you want to win nationals," Olivia said.

"You need to be ready to do whatever it takes to win if you want to stay on this team, Olivia," James said harshly.

"I don't want to be on this team if it means treating Nina like a second thought. She comes first, not some stupid award," Olivia said, now mad. Did James not have any respect for horses at all? Olivia dismounted Nina and brought her back to her stable. Today was the Maid of the Island festival, but Olivia wasn't participating in the contest so she would be leaving Nina at Bright Fields. Olivia had never really been one for competition, and she was starting to realize she really didn't want anything to do with it if it meant such negativity.

Olivia banished the negative thoughts from her mind with a small shake of her head. Holloway would be present at the festival, meaning she would get to see Pin again. Of course she'd just seen him, but she was always happy for an opportunity to see him. As hard as she'd tried to banish her feelings for him, they still lingered in a dark corner of her heart, ready to leap back out at any moment.

Olivia headed to the locker room where she'd left her bag and maid of the island costume and changed. The outfit she'd brought was a knee length flowy white dress with long poofy sleeves, which she was wearing with gladiator type sandals and a navy corset.

"Oh, hey Olivia!" Olivia heard. She looked up to find Zoe exiting her mother's office.

"Hey Zoe, excited for Maid of the Island?" Olivia asked her joyfully.

"Oh yeah, I challenged Mia, if I win, she fires James," Zoe explained. Olivia never wanted to wish ill to anyone, but she had to admit she'd feel better with James far away from Bright Fields.

"Well then, let's hope you win," joked Olivia.

"Oh I intend to," Zoe said competitively.

"I don't doubt it," laughed Olivia, linking her arm through Zoe's. "Well, let's go now!" Olivia exclaimed. Zoe's mother was kind enough to give her a ride to the festival, and once there Olivia headed to find Jade and Becky whilst Zoe got changed.

"Hey guys!" She greeted cheerfully when she approached them.

"Hey Livie!" Becky greeted back.

"You look amazing," Jade complimented her.

"Thanks, so do you two," Olivia returned the sentiment. "Could either one of you french braid my hair? I would do it myself but I work better with a mirror," Olivia asked.

"Of course," Jade said, settling behind Olivia to start braiding her hair.

"Where's Zoe?" Becky asked.

"She's getting ready for the competition, can you believe she challenged Mia?" Olivia answered.

"Really?! What for?" Jade asked in astoundment.

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