chapter ten

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a/n: hi yall, id like to start off by saying thank you so much to those of you still reading my fic and i am so so sorry for the irregular updates. i have to say i was planning on being done with this fic much sooner but i am officially done writing it now yaaay which means i will hopefully be able to finish updating this fic by the end of the year. love you guys so much and thank you for reading i really hope you're enjoying this story <3

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Olivia asked, rubbing her arm. They were right in front of the tent Olivia had helped set up earlier, and she could hear the muffled music blasting from inside. They were definitely late, and Olivia hoped Zoe wouldn't mind too much.

"Of course! Everyone will think you look amazing, and Pin will realize he's been an absolute idiot," Emma replied.

"But it's Zoe's birthday, I feel like I shouldn't be making it about me," Olivia replied. From what she'd understood, turning sixteen was a big deal to Americans like Zoe.

"We're not making it about you Via, you're just showing up looking amazing and having a good time. The rest will happen on its own," Emma assured, linking her arm through Olivia's.

"All right," Olivia breathed out, more to herself than anything as the pair approached the tent. She brushed her curly hair from her shoulder, letting it bounce gently to her back. Emma held her free hand up, opening the tent flap letting the music stream out. Emma stepped in first, followed by Olivia. She hadn't been expecting so many people to be there, Zoe usually wasn't one for big parties. Olivia looked around, spotting Zoe towards the side, talking to Pin. Of all the people she could've been talking to, Olivia thought to herself. She knew she couldn't just walk in without greeting Zoe, so with a deep breath, she walked over to Zoe, her heeled boots clicking annoyingly with every step.

"Zoe! Happy birthday! Sorry for being late," Olivia said, decisively ignoring Pin as she hugged Zoe.

"Oh my god Olivia you look... Wow you look amazing!" Zoe exclaimed, taking in Olivia's uncharacteristic outfit. Olivia quickly glanced at Pin despite herself, granting him a small wave before she turned back to Zoe.

"Thank you so much, but you look even better!" Olivia said, returning the compliment. "Where do I drop off your gift?" she then asked, holding up the gift bag she'd been carrying in emphasis.

"Oh, you can just--" Zoe started, but was cut off by an angry looking Marcus.

"Is it true?" he asked Pin angrily. Pin looked back in confusion.

"Is what true?" he asked. Oliva's eyebrows knitted in confusion. What was Marcus mad about?

"You got into the academy and you turned it down?" Marcus said accusedly. Pin sighed deeply, and Olivia looked up at him in confusion.

"Yeah, it's true," Pin gulped.

"Wait, why didn't you go?" Zoe exclaimed. Olivia only stayed silent.

"I know why," Marcus said seethingly. "Because with me gone, you could have Zoe all to yourself."

"Seriously Marcus? This again?" Olivia said. Marcus spared her a glance before turning back to Pin.

"Wait, what do you mean again?" Zoe asked, turning towards Olivia. The latter stayed silent, looking down at her feet.

"Don't you know?" Pin said in mock amusement. "Marcus is the one who called Holloway. He told them we were there and that's why we were caught," Pin revealed. Marcus's eyes went wide.

"Marcus, is that true?" Zoe said in shock. "And you two knew? And you never told me?" she added, turning towards Pin and Olivia, who rubbed her arm in disappointment. She should've told Zoe, but she'd thought there'd be less trouble if she just kept it to herself. Well that backfired.

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