chapter seven

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"As of this moment, no one, absolutely no one, is to be caught cavorting with anyone from Holloway. And yes, that does apply to a certain traitor whose name I can't even bear speak," Mia announced as Olivia was going through her morning.

"She means Pin," Becky clarified, though Olivia had understood well enough.

"Don't worry. He chose his side, I chose mine," Zoe said.

"Good, make sure it stays that way," Mia said.

"Good? What the hell Mia. You know Pin is my best friend, and Callum is literally your best friend's boyfriend. Do you really care more about a childish rivalry than that?" Olivia.

"If you're not willing to put your friendship with Pin aside for the good of Bright Fields you're off the team Olivia," Mia said dryly.

"How is any of this for the good of Bright Fields?" Oliva asked.

"You need to be focused on the competition," Mia said harshly.

"So I should just stop doing anything else? No friends, no hobbies. Because if that's the way I have to live to be in your stupid team, I'm out," Olivia said. Ever since training for nationals had started, Olivia had been unhappy, and she understood that now. Bright Fields used to be her home, and it still was, but it was different now. "I'm always doing everything for you guys, all I'm asking is to be able to see my friends, and if you can't do that for me, then I'm done doing things that make me unhappy just to please you." Olivia walked away briskly. No-one stopped her. She tacked up her mare and rode out. None of her friends had even come after her or stood up for her, did they really not care at all?  Without realizing it, Olivia had taken the way to Pin's house. She didn't know if he would be there, but she needed a distraction, and worst-case Pin wouldn't be there, at least she'd be distracting herself.

Once atop the hill on which Pin's house had been built, Olivia dismounted Nina and tied her to a fence next to Elvis, the sound of the windchimes accompanying her as she rapped her knuckles against the door. A moment passed before the door opened to reveal Pin.

"Olivia? What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.

"Sorry, I don't mean to bother you, I just needed to talk to you, are you busy?" Before Pin could answer, a second voice sounded from up the stairs.

"Pin? Who is it?" The voice asked. Olivia realized with a start that it belonged to Gaby.

"Gaby is here?" Olivia said.

"Yeah, but you can still come inside, what did you need to talk about, is everything alright?" Pin said.

"You know what, it's fine, you're clearly busy," Olivia said, turning away.

"Olivia come on, I can tell something is wrong," Pin said, grabbing Olivia's wrist to stop her from leaving.

"What's going on?" Gaby asked, now behind Pin.

"Nothing, it's fine, I'll go, really," Olivia said, yanking her arm free from Pin's hold.

"Wait, are you going back to Bright Fields?" Gaby asked. She and Pin had followed her out.

"Wasn't planning on it, why?" Olivia asked as she put her riding hat on.

"Oh, well if you were going I would've asked you to bring Pin's stuff back on the way, but I'll go if you're not, don't worry," Gaby said. Olivia looked down, maybe she should stop being so rude to Gaby.

"Wait, what do you mean you're not going back to Bright Fields? Don't you have practice right about now?" Pin asked. Olivia sighed.

"Mia said we couldn't talk to people from Holloway anymore. I told her it was stupid but she wouldn't change her mind, of course, so I told her if she wouldn't let me talk to my friends then I wouldn't ride for her team. Then I stormed off," Olivia explained.

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