chapter fourteen

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The yard was much busier than usual. Well, that was to be expected with about a dozen Bright Fields riders moving to Holloway. Emma looked around to see if she could find Olivia, but gave up when she found Marcus instead. Olivia was probably with Pin, the two dancing around each other like always.

"You look lost," she called out to him.

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly used to such big stables," Marcus replied.

"Need a tour of the place?" Emma suggested.

"Thanks," Marcus said with a charming grin. Emma led him inside, first showing him around the stables and the tack room where he'd likely be going more often, and then the rest of the large building, stopping by the cafe for some food. "I can't believe you guys have a whole cafe here," he said.

"Well, we expect the best," she joked.

"Yeah, I could've guessed that," he chuckled.

"Oi, Emma!" she heard behind her. She rolled her eyes at the sound of the voice.

"What do you want Callum," she drawled out, not bothering to turn around.

"What are you doing here?" he spat.

"Eating," she replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was.

"Don't play stupid, what are you doing here with him," he asked.

"Eating with him?" she replied again. "Just get lost Callum." the cafe was silent for a moment before she heard Callum's receding footsteps. "Don't mind him, he's a dick."

"What's his problem with you?" Marcus asked.

"His problem is that even though he broke up with me he still thinks he has some kind of effect on me or something. When we dated he was always trying to control who I could hang out with, and now he thinks he can still do it," explained Emma.

"Wow, that's—"

"Stupid? Pathetic? Yeah he's all of those things. Word of advice, if you ever break up with Raven girl, don't go for someone with their head so far up their own arse they can't imagine people may not like them," Emma joked.

"I, I actually broke up with her," Marcus said. Emma's eyes widened slightly. "Really? Why?" Emma wondered.

"Like you said, we weren't communicating anymore, and it seems like she likes somebody else now anyways. I think I do too," he said.

"Ooh who's the lucky gal," Emma joked.

"Oh you wouldn't like her," Marcus said.


"Yeah no, she's kind of sassy and confident, oh and really short too, she's kinda just the opposite of you actually," he said sarcastically. Emma raised an eyebrow. Unlike Olivia, she could tell when someone was interested in her.

"Well then, you should probably tell her. I'm sure a guy like you wouldn't have too much trouble winning her heart," Emma said with a wink as she got up. "See you around Marcus," she said as she exited the cafe, the smirk on her face turning to a smile.

* * *

Horse saves young girl from drowning, the article in front of Olivia read. She'd trekked back to Bright Fields to be with Becky and Bob, and Rosie had brought in some newspaper articles about Bob, which they were all looking at together now.

"I know how much Bob means to you guys. I just wanted to say he means a lot to me too," said Rosie, bringing a sad smile to Ben and Becky's faces. Jade suddenly got up and left the tent, confusing Olivia slightly. She scooted closer to Becky, side-hugging her.

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