Bonus Chapter 5

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*time skip*

Wavey-Baby | Sammy-Baby


"Honey, breakfast is ready in the kitchen. Good morning, by the way."

"There's nothing good about the morning when you're waking me up from my sleep."

"I told you not to stay up late watching movies."

"Why are you even calling me? We live in the same house."

"And have to walk upstairs and face your wrath first hand?"

"You still love me tho and we're married, boo."

"No regrets. One of the best things I've done." 

"I'm still sleepy, but you cooked, I'm hungry, too."

"Do you want me to bring you breakfast in bed?"

"This is one of the reason you're the love of my life."

"Okay, why don't you list down all of the other reasons that I am the love of your life while you wait for me."

"No. Bye, I love you!"

"I love-"


Samuel Reid

"- and she hanged up," I trailed before putting my phone back in my pocket. 

A typical day at Reid resident. 

I proposed to her two years ago during our vacation in New York. I thought that my Waverly would want to wait a few more weeks or months before we get married, but no. I was severely wrong.

It was the our last night at New York when I proposed to her during private dinner in one of the best restaurant there. 

Right after we got back in town, she immediately went and called every single close family member and friend she had and announced that she was engaged. I really thought that was the cutest thing ever. 

She even made a reservation at our favorite place to dine and invited both of our family to celebrate. For someone who just got out of a 4 hour flight from New York, she seems to not have jet lag. 

I was pretty tired from that trip that I was relying on coffee to get me through the rest of the day. Waverly was going around the house while trying to call everyone she know while I was sleeping in our room. 

Yes, we're living together since we were financially stable enough to buy our own place.

The dinner with the whole family really went well. They all congratulated us on our engagement and said it was high time that I proposed. I only laughed at response. 

I thought for sure that the next day that both of us will be sleeping in for the whole day. Once again, I was wrong. Waverly woke super early in the morning, which she never does unless it is work related, and called the one of the best wedding planner in town. 

I had no complaints as long as I get married to her at the end of the day and grow old together. 

And sooner than that, seven months later, we were married and on our way to Switzerland for our honeymoon. 

The marriage life isn't easy, but it's rewarding. We had a fair share of our fights, sometimes we fight over the most stupid and littlest thing like what to eat for dinner or something. But we agreed to never go to bed angry.

We're not really in a rush to build a family, but we're still open to the idea. We just want to spend some more quality time with each other before we have kids. I would love to have little versions of us running around the house someday in the future.

Bringing a tray of food upstairs, I pushed our bedroom door open with my free hand and went in to only find my wife sleeping again hidden under the covers. 

I smiled and laughed softly. I walked over to our balcony where a table and two chairs were there. I put the breakfast on table before going to wake up the sleeping dragon.

"Babe, wakey-wakey. Your breakfast is on the balcony, come on." I sat on our bed next to her and whispered in her ear. "Baby, wake up."

She moved to turn to me and snuggled right into my chest. "Shut up. I'm hibernating. I need sleep."

"Baby, you're not a bear." I said in disbelief. "Come on, you've been sleeping for too long now. Just come eat breakfast first and you can go back to sleep." 

"No, I'll do whatever I want to!" She exclaimed in a muffled tone. "Unless you feed me food, peasant."

"What are you? A baby?" 

"Yes. Yes, I am a baby." She craned her neck up and looked at me. "I am your baby. And I am carrying our baby."


Did my ears just heard that correctly or do I need to clean out my ears again?

"E-Excuse me w-what did y-you say?" I stuttered.

"E-Excuse me..." She mimicked my tone and laughed. "Yes, I'm pregnant, dumbass! You know how I wasn't feeling a few days ago? Well, I'm also late on my period, so I took a couple pregnancy tests." She patted my cheek with one hand. 

My jaw drop. "I'm going to be a daddy? Shut the front door! We're going to be parents soon! Hold me, honey, I think I'm going to faint."

Waverly laughed again, fixing herself to sit on the bed. "Yeah, you're going to be a real daddy, not just in bed." 

I gave her a knowing look. "You naughty little vixen." 

It was still to surreal for me to take everything in. I'm going to be a father. A parent. Oh my-

"Babe, are you-" I cut off Waverly by crashing my lips into her for a passionate kiss. 

 I break off the kiss and looked at her with adoring eyes. "Thank you, so much! I can't promise you that I will be the most perfect father, but I'll try my best."

She placed her palm on my cheek and brushed her thumb against my cheekbone. "You don't need to be a perfect father, Sammy. I just need you to best you can to be a great father to our kids, which I am sure you will." She pecked my nose.

"I love you, so much. Do you know that?"

"How can I not? You tell me that every single day, fifteen times a day. And we love you, too." She put her hand over her stomach.

I look down on where her baby bump is supposed to come in a few months. I lowered my head down and gave it a gentle. "Hey, baby. Your mommy and I are so excited to see you soon."

The End.

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