Pros and Cons

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"I'm going to go get ice!" Adrien called back behind him as he grabbed the keycard on the coffee table and shut the door. "Why do you need to talk to her?" Adrien asked.

"This is something between me and her," Dick said. "Marinette isn't ready to talk and frankly, I don't really feel comfortable letting her talk to you with everything going on," Adrien said.

"And who are you to decide that?" Dick asked.

"Her partner. I know when she's ready and when she's lying about being ready. She is going to talk because she doesn't like to make people unhappy. She's in there panicking. She is my best friend and takes care of me way more than she needs and I'm going to be there when she needs me," Adrien said.

"Look, I need to talk to her because this is major news that involves my family and that can put her in danger," Dick warned him. "She knows that. Why do you think she ran away? She didn't want you guys to know until she was ready," Adrien said.

Dick stared at him and Adrien could tell he was analyzing him.

"Can you get her to talk to me?" Dick finally asked. "I don't force her to do anything she doesn't want, however if I really need to, I could convince her, or at least get her to think about it," Adrien said.

Dick took a breath. Adrien suddenly felt bad for going off on him. "I know she still doesn't want anyone else to know about you guys being related, blood or legally anyways. I know she would appreciate you not telling anyone else. That especially means Bruce Wayne. I can see if I can get her to talk to you," Adrien said.

"Thank you. That would be very much appreciated," Dick said. Dick was about to leave before Adrien grabbed him. "Don't be mad at her for hiding this. She only found out a while ago," Adrien said.

Dick nodded and left and Adrien proceeded to go inside. "What are you doing back so fast?" Marinette asked, wiping her nose. "I forgot the ice bucket," Adrien said.

"Silly cat," Marinette shook her head. "Let's go, M'lady. I wanna watch that movie we didn't get to finish last night," Adrien said, dragging her to their room.


Dick got into the car and started to rub his temples. God, this was giving him an ultimatum.

Tell Bruce that he has a daughter that he didn't know about with a girlfriend that he did genuinely liked when they were dating but risk her never talking to them or don't tell him, risking him being mad at him (though he didn't care if he was or not) but he gets to know his sister.

He banged his head on the wheel, causing the car to make a loud beep. God, save his soul.

Pros and cons list, he thought. He was good at that.


- Bruce and the rest of his family knows about her

- They can handle this before the media finds out

- Marinette seemed like the most normal in the family

- They get a new member to their family


- She never talks to them again

- She doesn't want to be a part of this family

- She's in more danger

- Bruce wouldn't accept her

- The media finds out and makes a big scandal out of it

Okay, so it was more cons than pros. No, he wouldn't tell Bruce about her, not yet at least.

But he was going to tell someone.

He quickly drove to Wayne Enterprises and sprinted as fast as he could to Tim's office. Much to his surprise, he was talking to Jason. "Jason? What are you doing here?" Dick asked.

"Nothing, just talking to Replacement about something that happened today. Why? What do you want, Dicky Bird?" Jason asked.

"Actually this is something that involves you too. You guys can't tell Bruce because she doesn't want him to know," Dick said.

"She? Selina? Oh my god, is she pregnant?" he exclaimed. "No! At least not that I know of," Dick said. "So then what?"

"We have a new sister," Dick said. "Bruce is adopting another one! Shit, I think this guy has-"

"No, Todd, a biological one. One of the students from the French class," Dick said, pulling up the file on his phone. Jason gasped. "I know her!"

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