Cookies Are The Way To Your Family's Heart

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Bruce wouldn't admit this out loud but he made sure that Adrien was a few rooms away from Marinette. It was crazy how the urge to keep her safe came to him.

It was about 1 am in the morning when the household was awakened to a loud scream. Bruce had instantly made his way out the door at the same time Adrien had come out. Damian also came out of his room when they realized the sound was coming from Marinette's room.

Adrien was the first person to rush to her room. He quickly slammed open her door and rushed to her side. He was shaking her lightly and talking to her in rapid french. "What's wrong with her?" Damian asked.

Marinette screamed again. "She has night terrors," Adrien said quickly.

He kept shaking her before she finally woke up. He hugged her and she buried her head in her chest. They were whispering something in French, only Damian understanding them.

Bruce and Damian noted how she held his hand, despite being in an awkward position. Adrien whispered something in her ear before she turned around and looked at them.

"Sorry. My nightmares have been getting worse lately. Sorry for ruining your guys' sleep. Sorry," she said again.

"Are you okay now?" Bruce asked. "Yeah. Sorry," Marinette said again.

"You don't have to apologize for something you can't control," Bruce said.

"I'm going back to bed. Good night, I guess," Damian said, running his eyes.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Bruce asked. "Just worked up. Thank you, Bruce," Marinette smiled softly.

He smiled softly as well. "Good night," he said, stepping out of her room and shutting her door. He didn't expect Damian to be right there.

"Something is up with those two," he whispered. "Damian, leave them alone. I don't expect you to like your sister, but I hope that you will let her be while she is here," Bruce said.

"Adrien kept reassuring her that they were both okay and that nothing or no one was going to attack them. Don't you find that a little weird?" Damian questioned.

Bruce made a puzzled face. "That is weird. I'll talk to her tomorrow, but for right now leave it alone," Bruce said. "Where is Adrien? Why hasn't he come out yet?" Bruce mumbled.

Damian opened the door slightly, peeling his head in slowly. He shut the door. "They are both asleep, Father."

Bruce sighed and rubbed his temple. "Goodnight, Damian."

"Good night, Father," Damian said.


Marinette woke up first, surprisingly. She purified the akuma once she found the jar. She also made sure Adrien went back to his room so they could get ready (Not that it really mattered because they basically lived together).

The first thing she did after getting ready was explore, which was not easy because of all the different rooms.

But finally she made it outside. She breathed in the fresh air, sighing softly as it made its way to her nose. She sat silently

"Do you know how long it took to find you?" A voice said behind her.

Marinette turned around to see her blond hair model boyfriend standing behind her. "I knew you would find me," she smiled.

Adrien sat down next to her. "This house is way bigger than mine," he joked. "Yeah, I never thought I would ever be in anything this big," Marinette said.

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