Siblings in the City

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Paris. The City of Love. The City of Lights. And the City of Superheroes?

The city of Paris was familiar with superheroes. They had a whole team of superheroes ready to help serve them.

Team Miraculous was so close and yet so far to stopping Hawkmoth, but he always got away before they could. He was good at keeping hidden, so they just had to wait until the next time he came out to get more clues.

Patrol meant they got to hang out, stop akumatizations before they happened, and minor civilian crimes.

There weren't many things that could surprise Ladybug and Chat Noir. Poop akumas? Sure, why not? Civilian crimes? Been there and stopped that. Seeing Batman and his team, however, did surprise them.

They both quickly hid behind a chimney. Ladybug's mind raced as she quickly formulated a plan. She knew they couldn't reveal their true identities as Miraculous wielders to Batman and his team, but they also needed to find out why they were in Paris. "We can't just approach them directly," she whispered to Chat Noir. "We need to come up with a cover story."

Chat Noir's mischievous grin widened as he watched Ladybug's face light up with determination. "Oh, I love it when you make that face, My Lady," he remarked, unable to resist teasing her. "What's the plan?"

Marinette, ever resourceful, remembered her trusty Mouse Miraculous. She hadn't used it in a while, but the time had come to bring out her alter ego, Multimouse. She turned to Aspik, her partner in crime-fighting, a playful sparkle in her eyes. "Last one to the tower is a rotten egg!" she declared, gracefully leaping from rooftop to rooftop, her compact form effortlessly navigating the Parisian skyline.

Aspik accepted the challenge with a competitive smile and chased after her. They soared through the air, their swift movements guided by their miraculous abilities. Finally, they landed triumphantly on the Eiffel Tower, taking their places inconspicuously among the crowd.

Multimouse and Aspik observed Batman and his team closely from their vantage point. Ladybug's admired Batman's strategic demeanor. His aura of determination blended seamlessly with the darkness of the night. She admired the team's cohesion and experience, recognizing their potential to be valuable allies in the fight against evil.

With a nod of determination, Multimouse turned to Aspik, their eyes locking in silent agreement. They would cautiously approach Batman and his team, disguising their identities and intentions. They would present themselves as fellow crime fighters, ready to join forces and contribute to protecting Paris.


Robin's voice cut through the air, alerting Batman to a presence nearby. Batman swiftly turned his gaze towards the railings, where Multimouse and Aspik stood, catching him off guard.

"Batman surprised to see you here," Multimouse said, her voice holding curiosity.

Batman's stern demeanor remained unchanged as he faced the newcomers. "Who are you?" he questioned, his deep voice demanding an answer.

Aspik stepped forward, her tone calm but resolute. "We're members of Team Miraculous," she replied, her eyes locking with Batman's.

Robin interjected, skepticism lacing his words. "There's no news of you two ever being on the team. What's your game?"

Multimouse met Robin's gaze, a hint of defiance in her eyes. "I see you've done your research. We're the hidden members, operating discreetly to protect Paris from the shadows," she responded, her voice carrying a sense of determination.

Aspik directed her attention towards Batman, her voice laced with curiosity. "What are you guys doing here?" she questioned. She was eager to understand the reason for their unexpected encounter.

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