When The Night Is Young

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When Marinette returned to the lab, she was surprised to find them gathered around a weapon of some kind. A long gun, probably forty-five centimetres with two big blue stripes on opposite sides lay out on the table.

One cautious glance at Mlle. Bustier in the corner confirmed her thoughts. Mlle. Bustier stood tensely, as far away from the gun as physically possible. Her fists were clenched tightly and her jaw set grimly.

So this was the freeze gun that the Riddler wanted.


Marinette didn't have time to dwell, because Alya was bounding towards her, grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the table. "Girl, where have you been? It's been, like, half an hour! The tour's gonna end soon!"

"Sorry, Alya," Marinette smiled tersely. "Maman called. I needed to talk to her about..." Marinette looked at Mr. Wayne, who was chatting amiably with one of the scientists. Marinette didn't miss the way he glanced at Mlle. Bustier. So that's what he knew. "Things."

"Uh-uh," Alya nodded enthusiastically. "And you missed the gun! Mari, it was so cool! They froze this huge tub of milk and they let us touch it! It was so cold! Oh, this is so going on my blog!"

"Right..." 'I didn't miss much, then,' Marinette glanced at the frozen vat of milk. 'I have enough experience with ice themed villains, thanks.'

Alix approached them out of nowhere. Marinette looked at Alix's companions and cursed internally. This was not innocent at all. "That's cool and all, Alya, but Marinette, what did you and Mr. Wayne talk about?"

"Um... huh?"

"We all saw him follow you," Alix said. "Come on, what was it?"

"Nothing, really," Marinette shrugged. "He just gave me directions to the bathroom and we split up. I think I heard his phone ringing."

"Really? That's it?" Alix looked back with a snort. "I told you so, Lila."

"It was just a joke," Lila shrugged. "I didn't mean any harm by it, Alix. You know I'd never seriously imply something so... deplorable."


Well, Marinette knew exactly what Lila had been 'joking' about.


"Well then," Mr. Wayne said, clapping his hands together with a smile. "That's all the time we have for today. Let me just say that it was a pleasure to have you all here and thank you for visiting Wayne Enterprises. I'll walk you out."

"Thank god," Marinette whispered to Alya as they left the building. "I genuinely wanted to jump out of a window there."

Alya was humming contentedly to herself. "Do you think 'a weapon that defies quantum physics itself' would be a good way to describe Mr. Freeze's cold?"

"Maybe give a physical description, too," Marinette advised, smiling slightly as Alya bounced with every step she took.

When they reached the bus, Mr. Wayne made another speech and thanked Mlle. Bustier. Just when Marinette was just about to get onto the bus (she'd stopped to tie her left shoe─that lace always seemed to come loose) when Mr. Wayne stopped her.

"If you recall anything else about the Riddler's costume that you found interesting, do contact me about it, please."

"Why?" Marinette asked, meeting his stare dead on.

"My son Damian isn't the only one with a... passing interest in crime." Mr. Wayne stepped back with a friendly smile. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Gotham, Miss Dupain-Cheng.

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