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"Miss Brooks... Mr Weasley."

At the mention of my name, I moved a little against the floor, groaning.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times before my vision focused on Professor McGonagall who stood there.

Oh shit.

Looking up at her, I got to my feet in the split of a second, glancing at Fred who was slowly pulling himself up to sit.

"Do either of you care to explain why you are sleeping in a classroom at six in the morning and not in your dorms where you are supposed to be?"

"Uh..." I had no idea what to say whatsoever. "...I needed his help with something last night..."

"And you ended up asleep in a classroom?" She looked at me with a stern expression, causing me to gulp.

"We— I needed help with homework. I didn't plan on us being out after curfew but we must've fallen asleep."

McGonagall looked around while Fred slowly got to his feet, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't see any homework anywhere." She said accusingly, looking at me again. "I find it really hard to believe that you, Miss Brooks were the one to pull Mr Weasley over here out after curfew."

I pressed my lips together, shrugging and Fred glanced at me, probably questioning why I was taking the blame.

"Meet me in my office right after breakfast, the both of you." She said. "Then we'll decide on a proper punishment. Now, fix your uniforms and get down to the Great Hall for breakfast."

Fred gathered his things and I quickly grabbed my jumper and robes before hurrying out of the classroom.

"Why'd you do that?" Fred asked as we walked along the corridor.

I pulled my jumper in before throwing my robes on as well.

"Did what?"

"Take the blame."

I shrugged.

"What? Did you think I was gonna tell on you?" I asked. "We may not know each other very well, Weasley, but I can promise you I'm not a snitch."

He didn't respond. We continued walking for a while and it was only as we walked down the grand staircase, that he said something.

"You're quite sad when you're high." He said, causing me to look at him. "You kept talking about sex with Larch."

I stopped walking and stared at Fred as he too stopped, looking back at me.

"No I didn't."

"Yes." He chuckled, nodding. "You did. You were complaining that it's always the same old boring position. That he won't listen to what you want to try and always shuts it down."

"Oh fuck." I cursed. "I'm so sorry you had to listen to that. I—"

"I don't want to get all in your business or anything, but sex isn't for male's pleasure only." He said. "And a real gentleman makes sure his girlfriend enjoys it and is comfortable."

I laughed.

"I don't know what the fuck I told you, but I feel comfortable with Felix and he does listen to me." I said and walked past him.

"Okay." He shrugged, following me. "It's none of my business, really."

When we reached the end of the stairs, I turned towards him again.

"We probably shouldn't walk in together." I said.

I was nervous about Felix seeing me with Fred again, after last night. He probably already knew what I hadn't come back to the dorm.

"Alright." Fred nodded without questioning me. "You can go first. I'll wait a few minutes."

"Thanks." I offered him a smile. "You still owe me a favour after last night. I won't forget that."

He simply smiled before I hurried inside of the Great Hall, brushing my fingers through my hair as I found Martha and Felix by the table.

They both went quiet and looked at me as I sat down.

Martha didn't say anything, just quietly started eating again, and I looked at Felix whom I sat next to.

"Can we talk later?" I whispered to him and he glanced at me, nodding slowly.

"That's probably a good idea." He said, his voice way softer than I had expected.

I offered him a soft smile and he repaid it.

"So where did you run off to last night?" Martha asked me. "You didn't come to bed."


"I told you." Felix cut me off. "She slept in my dorm. I had a hard time getting her out of bed which is why it took her years to show up."

He glanced at me and I actually felt a kind of relief that I didn't have to explain the whole situation to Martha.

He had covered for me, despite being upset with me.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired still." I said with a shrug and I felt Felix place his hand on my thigh which made me smile a little, putting mine over his.

I noticed Fred sit down at the other end of the table, sitting across from his twin brother as well as Jordan.

"You're not eating anything." Felix said and looked at me. "You're not hungry?"

I looked at the food on the table and shook my head.

"I'm feeling a little nauseous actually."

He raised his eyebrows at me but didn't question it further, just ate his own food.

He and Martha started talking about school while I just sat at the table, running my fingers over Felix' hand that still rested on my thigh.

I managed to convince Felix to leave breakfast early so we could talk, because once breakfast ended, I had to meet McGonagall at her office as well as Fred.

If I wanted to talk to Felix, it had to be now.

"I'm sorry about last night." I said as we walked out to stand in the entrance hall. "I shouldn't have lied to you. I'm sorry I did, but it wasn't to cheat on you. I would never do that."

Felix sighed and brushed his fingers through his hair.

"What were you helping him with?" He asked. "Why have you been with him all night."

I decided to just be honest. I loved Felix and I didn't want to fuck up our relationship because of this little thing.

"He and George has made this weed brownie and they needed to try it out on someone." I said. "It isn't just regular weed. It's something they've grown themselves and I said yes because it gave me a chance to get high and nothing could go wrong with helping them, though George got held up with something so it was just Fred and I, but I ate that brownie and the only reason I took off my jumper was because it was hot in the classroom. I must've fallen asleep sometime during the night. We were just woken up by McGonagall which means that we're both in trouble and that sucks especially because I took the blame and—"

I realised how I was ranting and I took a deep breath, waiting for Felix to say something.

"Why would you take the blame?"

I shrugged.

"I didn't want to snitch." I said. "It' all fine, though. I'll take whatever punishment I'm given and then we'll move on."

Felix sighed and took a step closer to me, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I didn't mean what I said."

"About me being a whore?" I chuckled, and I heard him sigh again.

"I'm sorry."

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