Part 11

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nats pov:

I frown down at my screen, seeing no reply. Why did Peter leave so quickly. Did I say something wrong, I definitely said something wrong. He still hadn't replied yet. For some reason the kid had wormed his way into my cold, black heart. I've barely talked to him, but I already feel protective over him. Which could be a problem. I shouldn't get too attached.

Frustrated that I still hadn't gotten a response from the kid, I get up and storm off into Tony's room. If anyone knows what I did to hurt Pete, it would be him. He's the reason I'm in this mess. I barge into Tony's room, ready to interrogate him about Peter. The room was empty. I roll my eyes, he's in his lab. I really should've guessed.

I drag myself to his lab. I try to open the front door, but it's locked. I roll my eyes yet again. I bang my fist on the door.

"TONY" I scream at the top of my lungs. I continue to make loud noises, considering he's probably asleep. I keep knocking on the door, until I feel the handle start to turn. The door opens, and I see a dishevelled Tony standing in front of me.

"What do you want Nat?" Tony grumbles at me. I push past, him and enter the lab. I turn down the blaring music. "What took you so long to get to the door?, I think my knuckles were going to bleed from all my knocking" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulder.

"I was asleep," he replies, rubbing his eyes. I smirk at him, knowing I was right. He's so predictable. "You need to sleep better." I say seriously "What would Stephen say?" I ask him. He glares back at me.

"He's not here, so he wouldn't know," Tony says back. I roll my eyes at his childish answer. I seem to roll my eyes a lot at him. "So, what did you want?" Tony asks me again. "Well I was talking to Peter" I start, looking up at Tony. "And I must have said something, cause he just stopped talking to me. And now I think he's ignoring me." I say. He seemed confused.

"That doesn't sound like Peter, he's a really sweet kid," He replies.

"I know that, and that's why I came here. To ask you what I did wrong" I said, getting annoyed. "I just want to know what I did wrong, so I can fix it," I say loudly. I don't know why I care so much, but the guilt is starting to eat me alive.

"Ok ok, give me your phone" Tony said, hand stretched out in front of him. I unlock my phone and reluctantly hand it over to him. His eyes squint, at my bright screen. He goes into the messaging app and scroll through our messages. "What do you mean 'I'm so smart but so stupid'?" He questioned, with a scowl on his face. I throw my hands in the air, and sigh in exasperation.

"Focus Tony, we don't have time to discuss your stupidity" I shout. He huffs in protest, but continues to scroll down. He must have found out what I did wrong, cause his face paled and eyes widened comically.

"Oh no," he stated in panic. "Oh no, oh no, oh no" he repeated.

"What did I do?" I demanded. He looked up at me, with anger and sadness in his eyes.

"You brought up his parents," Tony says softly. I look at him in confusion. Why is that so bad? Surely that's not why he was so upset.

"Why'd that make him upset?" I ask, voicing my questions. Tony sighs.

"His parents are dead," he explains. I instantly felt guilty. I couldn't believe I had brought up his dead parents.

"Who does he live with now then?" I ask calmly, not letting my emotions show.

"With his aunt, his uncle died a few years back." He replied, sorrow filling his eyes. That's so much to go through at such a young age. I felt bad for the kid.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me that Tony" I say angrily, punch his arm, making him yelp in surprise. If he had just told me this small, but crucial information, then I wouldn't be in this position. "You told me not to swear in front of him, but left out this!" I yell in frustration.

"I just thought he'd tell you himself" Tony protested. I hate to admit it, but he's right.

"Yeah, ok. I'm sorry for hitting you" I mumble. I don't like admitting that I'm wrong. "Anyway, I should go apologise to Peter." I say.

"Sounds like a good idea" Tony agrees.

"Thanks for helping" I say, as I'm walking out the door.

"No problemo Nat" He replies.

"Never say that again" I shout from outside.

"No promises," he replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes, and think about what I should say to Peter.

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