Part 29

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peter's POV:

The subway was probably one of my favourite places on this earth. Sitting amongst strangers, who had no reason to hate you, was the best way to spend the morning. I was usually running late, leaving me to take a more scenic route to school, usually involving swinging through buildings, but today happened to be a rare exception. So with my music thrumming in my ears and my stomach filled with nerves, I made my way to school, or otherwise known as my very own personal hell.

As I walked into school, I kept an avid look out for my friends. It had been a few days since I saw them, choosing to go to work the last few days to try and make my half of the rent over going to classes with content I had taught myself years ago. I knew they would be worried, they were good friends. I couldn't say the same about me though. My lies were never ending and my usual reaction to confrontation was to freeze. I couldn't tell them about Aunt May, that was my secret to take to the grave. They would want to do something about it, not understanding that it was my eternal punishment for causing the world lose one of the best people. She was the last of my family, the last thing tying to my family name. My legacy to uphold.

'PETER!' I heard somewhere in the crowd. My head turned automatically towards the familiar voice. Ned was standing by his office, his arm up in the air, waving at me frantically. A wave of reassurance came over me. I hurried my way over to him.

'Hey man, how's it going?' I asked him over the loud chatter of classmates. I had missed him the last few days. His excitement was contagious, and without it the last few days had been rough.

'Not too bad,' Ned started, 'I finished this epic lego set over the weekend, it took me weeks to do. I'm glad you're finally back though, are you feeling better now?'. The guilt swarmed me. I had lied to him. I had told him I was sick.

'Uhh yeah, I'm feeling much better' I stated, 'But I am in now way shape or form prepared for History today, I am so behind it's not even funny.'

'I don't even know why you chose it, everyone in the school knows History is the one subject you don't choose.' Ned groaned, 'Plus Mr Richard is the bitchiest teacher in the school.' We both had physics first, so we s

'You don't need to remind me Ned, I was there when he assigned us to write a history essay on a source with an accidental robot in it. He said it was on purpose, but I swear I saw a look of shock on his face.' I ranted. History was a subject I thought could be a filler, so I would have time to squeeze everything else I needed to do in my life. But five 2500 word essays later, showed me that my Parker luck was nothing if not consistent.

'I REMEMBER THAT' Ned laughed, 'That was hilarious, didn't you get your first D on that essay?'

'Yes' I groaned, 'All because I said robots didn't exist back then, I honestly thought it was a trick question Ned. And hey, don't laugh at my pain' I complained, wanting to forget about that fail on my record. It was such an embarrassment to look at.

'Yeah but what are friends for if not to laugh at each other's failures' Ned retorted.

'But I still don't see how it was a failure when what I was saying was the truth!' I stated.

'Yeah yeah yeah. whatever you say man' Ned conceded. We continued our way to physics, we weren't the most popular, nor were we the tallest. Our walks consisted of dodging people who were to busy to see where they were going, and flying footballs that seemed to follow us everywhere we went.

MJ was outside waiting for us, cool as a cucumber, with her head stuck deep into a book.

'Hi MJ' Ned said as we reached her. We were a little early to class, another rare occurrence.

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