Chapter 2

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Nate POV

I reached home I unlocked the door and got in. Our house wasn't big nor small but was perfect for us as 3 members. It was 2 story house and we had a basement and four rooms and which one is used as guest room not that we had guests to come visit us. I walked straight to my room and changed and took a nap. I don't know how long was I sleeping I felt pair of lips on my forehead I smiled.

"Hey mom" I looked at my mother.

"Hey my baby , wake up dinners ready" I nodded my head and walked to the bathroom connected to my room. I came out my mom wasn't there so I walked down I was greeted by mom and dad I helped my mom and we started eating.

"How was school Champ" dad asked

"Good" this been my answer for past a month. My dad sighed nodded his head.

"No friends yet?" I remembered Kai but was he my friend? And Aiden and Nolan just said hi so they are out of the picture for now.

"Not that I can call him a friend but ya he saved me from a bully" he mom's face lit up but her eyes held pain hearing 'bully'.

"Wait you have bullies here?" Mom asked.

"No mom but I accidentally hit the guy while walking so Kai saved me when I fell" they hummed "so I can't call him a friend just for saving me" and after dinner I walked back to my room and I finished my home works and I watched Netflix and I fell asleep.


"Hey little guy" I turned from my locker and saw Kai , Aiden and Nolan.

"Hey guys" they smiled I smiled back but my smile dropped when I saw Derek walking with his minions. Not that he did anything but I don't want it to happen like my old school.

"Is he giving you a bad time?" It was Nolan who asked so I shook my head. He continued "if anything happens you can say us because he is an ass and ya Kai told us about yesterday." I nodded my head and thanked them.

They asked me to join them during lunch I was shock my eyes widened but then said yes . I was happy that they want to be my friends but what if they bully me when they know about me? What if they feel disgusted ? What if they hit me. Suddenly I felt tears falling I wiped my face and told myself if all that happened I will see then. For now I have friends so the day went by till lunch I walked towards lunchroom I saw Kai , Aiden and Nolan and there was two empty chairs so I walked to them and sat next to Kai.

We started talking I got to know them they are four best friends and apparently one of their best friend I haven't met yet his name is Felix and his so moody these days.

"Somebody call him" Aiden said so Kai called him.

"Dude where the hell are you?" I couldn't hear what Felix said "oh ok just come to lunch room and ya we invited little guy today you have to meet him." Silent "ok see you" he hung up "he's on the way and he was with the coach" I don't know why I felt my heartbeat getting faster why was I nervous meeting their friend I wasn't nervous meeting them . Suddenly I felt liquid on me all gasped I turned saw a guy who slipped and his drink was on me I stood.

"Dude watch it , Little guy you ok?" I nodded and excused my self and walked towards they washroom I cleaned my self and I removed my hoodie I was feeling cold by then I thought of going home.

I walked out thankfully my shirt wasn't ruined I walked towards the gate I saw Derek and minions were smoking so I walked faster so they don't stop me but no such luck.

"Where are you going?" It was Derek I ignored and walked faster but then I thought if I go home they will follow me so I turned and run towards the field I was running I didn't even looked front I suddenly hit the wall and I fell again but when I looked it wasn't wall it was a body I couldn't see clearly because of the sunlight suddenly I heard foot steps stopped I turned and saw Derek and he's minions I stood up and hid behind the boy he didn't speak but stood their looking at Derek. He was tall 6'5 so I could hide perfectly behind him and I could fit perfectly in his arms that thought made my face heat I was sure I am red by now and from back I can see his black thick hairs I had the urge to play with his hairs. If his back attracts me then what happens when he turns and I see him.

Ok enough now Nate we are in serious problem.

"O hey bro" Derek said . I don't know what was the tall guy's expression but he didn't say anything till Derek and his gang left. The guy sighed and turned back I was looking down.

"You ok?" He sounded familiar so I looked up and thats when I forgot how to breathe. Firstly we were so close that if I tiptoe and he bends down our lips will be locked and secondly he is the one I have been searching since I'm here. He cleared his throat I blushed he chuckled I looked down and bit my lower lip which is a habit of mine. He lifted my chin with his two fingers I looked into his grey eyes he was looking at every corner of my face and he gently stroked his thumb on my lower lip releasing it from my teeth "don't do that" he's husky voice I nodded knowing he meant not to bite my lip.

I was really comfortable standing like this. I could stand like this forever but I had to back off because I knew he was straight and I can never get him but I wished he was mine. So I slowly pulled away and ran from there.

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