Part 23

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Harley's POV : 

I was chained to a cement wall. I had no idea where I was. There were no windows, so I didn't know the time. I knew better than to speak, the guards were close by and I didn't want to be shot at. The drugs they used to knock me out still hadn't worn off completely either, which was probably done by effect to stop prisoners from trying to escape.

Cooper's POV : 

I had tracked down the men who kidnapped Harley. They were right down the street from me. I wanted to go in, knives at the ready, but there were to many of them. I'd have to wait for the Avengers to come in and cause a distraction. 

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the avengers came rolling in, guns blazing. But the number of guards was obviously surprising to them. We were outnumbered 20-to-1. 

The kidnappers started firing at the Avengers, and soon a full on fight began. I snuck in through a back door, disabling the guns of all the guards I found. Luckily, most had gone to help their companions fight the Avengers. And no one was expecting The Shadow to join the fight. 

I kept running down. Harley's heat signature was on the move, it looks like they were taking him down a back alley. 

I Judo flipped one guy, then grabbed another's shoulders and swung my body around, so my feet hit him square in the back, knocking him to the ground with me on top of him. I took his gun and shot the people nearest to us. 

I made it out to the alley where a tall man in all black was dragging a semi-conscience Harley with both hands. He appeared to have put up a fight, his shirt was soaked with blood. I had to get to him, quickly.

Running at full speed, I kicked the man in the back of the head. He had no metal on him, like he was expecting me to be here. He dropped Harley and turned to fight me. By this time, the Avengers had gotten here. 

He punched me, clipping my cheek, but I kneed him in the side and got in a few punches to his chest before he knocked me down to the ground. I rolled onto my back, a ploy to make me look weak. He jumped on me, but I rolled at the last second, jumping up and shoving him into the ground. He struggled to get up, and I backed away to let him, using the time to get my knives out and levitate them in the air.

"Do not touch my boyfriend again, understand me?" I growled as the knives inched closer, one under his throat. He nodded, and I flipped the knives around, smashing the hilt's into his head hard enough that he wouldn't remember what had happened. 

Tony stood over Harley, with Bruce. The rest of the Avengers just stared at me. 

"Cooper, you know Harley?" Clint asked confused. 

I nodded and rushed to his side, pushing Bruce out of the way. I grasped his hand. "Harley, you have two bullets in your stomach, okay? I need to take them out." 

"Okay," he croaked, slightly raising his head. 

"Don't touch him!" Tony looked at Harley like a father would look at his son. "It's, okay Tony." Harley gasped. "She's the best one for the job."

"Back up before I make you." I said. Bruce pulled Tony a few feet away. 

"Be careful to-"

"I know what I'm doing Bruce." 

I put my hands over Harley's chest and focused. I could sense the bullets, but digging them out without hurting him would be hard. Slowly, I guided the first bullet out from where it was lodged. I clenched my teeth, the fine movements I had to make were hard, and Harley's face was white as paper. 

After getting the first bullet out, I worked on the second. It was lodged in his lowest rib bone, which had shattered, but done it's job, protecting the heart.

When the bullets were out, Clint rushed over and helped me start wrapping his wounds. He had lost a lot of blood, and I was covered in it, which would have been gross if I wasn't focused on saving his life. 

I backed away after that, letting Bruce and Tony secure him and Tony flew away in his suit. I turned to get away, but Clint caught my shoulder. "Cooper, we have to take you in. I'm sorry, but the others decided they didn't want you running around the city without them knowing who you are." 

I took a moment to process this. Then I nodded. "Thanks Clint, for everything." 

Hey guys! How do you like it so far? I hate to say this, because this is my first successful Wattpad story, but there are only a few chapters left to write. They will be longer ones, but still, thought I should warn you. 

Enjoy your day!


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