[14] Rumor Has It

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"I am so hungry," Vanessa says as we start heading towards the cafeteria. "I could eat anything right now."

"I'm glad you can," I mumble, forcing back an eye roll. Up ahead I see Paul lingering by the doors and out of instinct I grab Vanessa's arm and drag her to the bathroom.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asks as I make sure the bathroom's empty. "Addy, you're being weird."

I finally decided. I'm telling my best friend everything. "I need to talk to you about something serious, Vanessa."

"Wow," She whispers, almost scared. "You only use my full name when you're serious."

"Dead serious."

The look on her face turns from confused to worried. "Uh oh. This isn't good. I can see it in your eyes."

I lean against the counter, trying to find the right way and words to say this. I pick at a hangnail, annoyed now, and take in a deep breath. "I-I don't know how to say this."

Vanessa steps forward and protectively grabs my arm. "Addy, you're seriously scaring me."

"Do you remember that party Tyler had about two weeks ago, the weekend before school started?" Vanessa nods and I continue. "Something happened to me. Something bad."

"What happened?"

"I was raped," I whisper, avoiding eye contact as my eyes glisten with tears.

"Addy, oh my God!" Vanessa hugs me and holds me tight. I cry into her shirt, thankful that the person I love and trust most in the world believes me. "I am so, so sorry. Are you okay? I-I don't even know what to say."

"I just needed to tell someone."

Vanessa rubs my back. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was scared." Pulling back, I lean against the counter and Vanessa grabs my hand. "I told my uncle and he didn't believe me. Tyler has casted me a liar forever. I'm just so glad you listen and understand."

"Always, Addy. I'm your best friend. So, do you know who it was? Did you report them?"

This part scares me. I could lie and say no, wait until I can find a way to prove Paul, but he's already spreading his own story around school. I need Vanessa to hear the truth from me and not some lie. "It was... Paul."

I stare at my shoes and wait for Vanessa's reaction. Nothing. Maybe she's in shock. I look up, assuming she didn't hear me, but Vanessa's eyes are wide and she looks terrified. She definitely heard me.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Vanessa finally looks at me, a spark igniting in her eyes. I don't know if it's the good kind. "You hooked up with Paul, didn't you? Did you cheat on Logan?"

"What? No! Did you not hear anything I said? Paul assaulted me, Vanessa!"

She shakes her head, starting to laugh, and says, "Addy, if you cheated on Logan, I promise I won't say anything, but you can't just make something up because you regret it now."

No. Vanessa was supposed to be different than everyone. She's my best friend. She's supposed to believe me. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Do you hear yourself, Addy? You sound like you're sixteen again, creating stories and lying for attention."

"I did not cheat on Logan. Paul raped me."

Vanessa rolls her eyes. "Addy—"

"For fucks safe, Vanessa, could you just listen and believe me?"

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