[33] Safety Lock

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Two Weeks Later

I drive home from the ice cream shop after Douglas and I's mini after school date and Tyler calls me. "Hey, what's up?"

"You think you can bring me some food?" He asks.

"Yeah, are you home? I can swing by and pick you up and we can go try that new Italian restaurant that just opened."

"Actually, I'm at football practice," He admits in a soft whisper.

"What?" I ask, confused. "Didn't you get kicked off?"

"Coach wants me back."

It takes everything in me not to lose control and drive off the road. "You said you wouldn't go back on the team if Paul was still there."

"Lucky me, Paul's not."

"What? Paul got kicked off the team?"

"Yeah," He answers, sighing loud into the speaker. "Some crazy drama between him and his ex-girlfriend." Tiana. "Apparently he's been hitting her, and she showed up to practice with a cop, a lawyer, and proof."

That must have been her 'break glass in case of emergency' thing. "A cop? Paul got arrested?"

Tyler laughs. "No, obviously not. His dad is suing Tiana and her family. Like I said, crazy drama, but I am starving."

I make a U-turn at the light. "Yeah, yeah. I'll bring you something."

"Thanks. You're the best."

I hang up and pick up some fast food for Tyler, getting chicken nuggets for myself, and I eat them on the way to school. I grab the greasy bag and head out towards the football field. I stay to the sidelines and avoid getting in anyone's way. I find myself looking for Paul, but he's not here. He really was kicked off. I spot Tiana with the other cheerleaders and we make eye contact. She smiles big and starts jumping, waving her poms-poms. I wave back. A whistle blows and the players that scattering off the field.

Tyler comes running over. "Yes!"

"I come bearing gifts."

"I love you." He takes his food and starts eating. We sit together on the bench. "Am I blind, or did I really see you and Tiana share a friendly greeting?"

"Crazy, right?" I joke. "I know, but I think Tiana and I are actually friends again."

He nods, eyes widen. "Well, I definitely woke up in Crazy Town."

"You're not the only one. So..." I gesture to his uniform. "How's it feel to be back, Quarterback?"

"I'm just glad I still have my scholarships."

Confused, I ask, "Why does it matter if you still have scholarships when Dad's had our college fund ready since before we were born?"

Tyler sighs. "You don't get it, Addy. I don't care about Dad's money. Am I grateful for it? Sure, but getting a scholarship proves that I can get into college by own skill and not by a spot that's been bought. I earned it."

"Okay, I get it now," I whisper, nodding to myself. "You're proud of yourself, and you should be. I'm proud of you, too."

"It'd make more sense if you played any sports."

"I do not have the athletic ability for that." We both laugh. "Paul's really off the team, huh? How do the other players like that?"

Tyler looks around his teammates before giving his answer. "Honestly, I think they're glad he's gone. I know I am. Paul was pissed when they came and got him, though. He punched some equipment and I'm pretty sure he broke his hand."

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