[39] The Silencer Silenced

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My body shakes and as it starts to shut down, I struggle to stay in control. I have to stay and fight. I have to; I need to. Shit. What the hell is Paul doing in my room? How did he sneak in? Shit. What am I supposed to do? He's blocking the door. Shit. Do I jump out the window and risk breaking my neck? Shit. "What the fuck are you doing here, Paul? How did you get in?"

"Come on, Addy," He snickers and his laugh sends chills down my spine, slowly freezing me over. "Tyler and I have been best friends since preschool. I've had a spare key since I was eight."

Of course Paul still has the spare key. He came in while Tyler was showering. He's been waiting for this. "I don't know what you came here for, but you need to go. Get out! Just get out!"

Paul doesn't listen. Instead, he lets go of the doorknob and takes a step closer to me. His eyes bore into me and that's when I finally take him in. Uncle Frank's right, Paul is not well. There's heavy bags under his dead empty eyes; his hair fallen out and greasy, like he hasn't showered in weeks; his skin so thin and pale. He looks dead. He lifts the pocket knife in his hand and points it at me. "You... you got me kicked off the football team. I lost my chance at a scholarship because of you!" He takes one step forward and I take two back. "You turned my best friend against me. Tyler won't even talk to me and he... he stole my girlfriend, after you brainwashed her into hating me. It's all your fault, Addy."

"My fault?" I ask, almost laughing. "It's your own damn fault! You shouldn't have raped me." I slowly reach into my pocket and wrap my hand around the pepper spray, using my thumb to turn the safety lock. "Surprised your actions have consequences?"

"You turned out fine, didn't you?" Paul waves his arms and gestures me up and down. "You still fucking got it. Still got your nice clothes, nice house, your nice boyfriend. Made a big deal out of nothing."

My voice cracks as I scream at him, tears in my eyes. "I did not turn out fine! You ruined me, Paul. You destroyed me. I have to live with this forever, and you... you don't even care! You think you can get away with whatever you want because your daddy's rich and can bail you out, because you can throw a ball around a field, win some games, and make the school look good. You use fear as a weapon and don't care who gets hurt. I will not let you hurt me anymore."

Paul starts laughing. It's absolutely terrifying. He's lost it. He's insane. "I ruined you? Bullshit! You ruined everything for me! I was one game away from a full ride. Just one game!"

"No, you ruined yourself, Paul." I straighten my shoulders and stand my ground. "Now get the hell out of my room!"

Paul doesn't move. "No, Addy. You're going to pay for what you took from me." He lunges forward and tackles me against the desk. As my back hits the corner, my breath catches in my throat and I fall on my back, groaning. Standing tall over me, he swings the knife near my face and I roll over and dodge it. I pull out the pepper spray and press down on the trigger as I aim it at him. He screams with stings and I bring my leg back and kick his knee. There's a loud crack.

"Tyler! Tyler!" I shout, crawling over to the door as I pull myself up. I hope he's done with his shower now. "Tyl—ah!" Paul shoves his arm into my shoulder as he slams me against the wall. I raise my arm to pepper spray him again, but he grabs my wrist and bends it until I drop it. "Ow, ow!" I whimper, angry as I use my free hand to punch him in the face.

There's banging on the door. "Addy? Addy!" He tries the doorknob. "Why is the door locked? What's going on?"

I'm focused on the door and Tyler's voice and I don't see Paul charging at me until he raises the knife and cuts my arm. I scream out in pain and hold my arm as blood runs down my jacket sleeve. The open wound stings and I can't stop myself from crying. Paul grabs a fistful of my hair and shoves me against the bedframe, and without the bed, my head bounces off the wood, throbbing now. "Stay still now." He forces my legs apart with his and pins me still as his weight digs into my back.

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