[26] The Gummy Bear Experiment

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One Week Later

Of all the partners in the world, it'd be my luck that Tiana Gold is mine. Chemistry hasn't always been my favorite, but after seeing our names printed on the front board together, I absolutely resent this class. It's too late to run up and switch my name as Tiana comes strolling in class, phone glued to her hand. She glances at the board and gasps in disgust and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't my reaction, too. "Are you kidding me?" She asks, groaning as she stomps over to the table. "I am not working with you," She states as she drops down in the stool beside me.

"The feeling's mutual," I mutter, grabbing my bag as she steps on it. I place it by my feet and tell her, "Too bad Mr. Starn's strict in his ways, or I'd beg him to switch us."

Tiana snorts with a laugh. "Oh, you think I won't try?" Her polished hand shoots in the air. "Mr. Starn, do we have to work with a partner? I do my best work alone."

I roll my eyes. "Funny. Something we finally agree on."

Mr. Starn walks from his desk and stands at the front of the room. "Yes, Tiana, you have to work with Addy. I know you two have your history, but you'll have to suck it up for now. Unless you both want to fail, that is?"

We share a look. "No," we mumble in sync and turn away from each other.

"That's what I thought. Alright, class. I'm sure you're wondering what you did to deserve a treat, but that candy on your desk is for the experiment today. I hope none of you have eaten any because this is a pass or fail assignment. We are doing The Gummy Bear Experiment. I know, sounds pretty lame, but when the school cuts your budget, there's not much you can do." Mr. Starn clears his throat and begins passing out papers. "On your desks there should be three beakers—already filled with water—along with containers of salt, sugar, and baking soda. Add one tablespoon of each substance into the beakers and label them. You do not want to get them mixed up. Your grade depends on it. Also—notes will be needed for a participation grade, so be sure to write everything down. Next class we will measure the gummy bears and the partners with the biggest increase in size will each win a twenty dollar gift card to a store of your choice. Go ahead and start and—I can't believe I'm saying this—do not eat the gummy bears after you've put them in the beakers. I promise, they will not taste good and you cannot sue the school over a stomachache."

Tiana sighs. "Gummy bears? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, what about gummy worms?"

This makes her laugh and I'm surprised. She stops and glares at me. "I don't like you. You're not supposed to make me laugh."

We're both going to fail if Tiana keeps this up. "Look, we're not going to get anything done if we keep going at each other. I really can't fail this class, so why don't we pause on our little feud and—"

She shakes her head and whispers, "Don't say work together."

"—work together. Just until the experiment's over. After that, we can go back to hating each other and spitting clever insults. Sound good?"

Tiana sighs, pouting. "Fine, only because I can't fail this, class too."

"Good. So today we're..." I extend a fist bump. "Partners."

"Don't say that with so much disgust," She teases, pressing her fist to mine. "Partners today only."

"I'll take it." We both laugh and I glance over as Tiana ducks her phone under the table. I get a closer look—Julie—and watch as Tiana sends her fifth unanswered text. Could Julie be as bad as Vanessa? Why isn't she texting back Tiana? I notice her eyes tearing up and I try to be sympathetic. "Problems with Julie?"

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