breastfeeding 01

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The names of the characters in the story will be changed : ( Omar = Noor )

( Noor pov )

The doctor came into the room and told my mom that she needs to try breastfeeding as soon as possible .

My mother tried to stick her nipple in my mouth thinking I would automatically pick up her breast ، But there was no way to let her put her breasts in my mouth .

Be patient, the baby will go hungry and suckle at the end," said the doctor ، I thought he was wrong .

The nurse took me from my father and mother and put me in the nursery with the other children ، I was tired so I chose to fall asleep ، When I woke up, I was in the back seat of the car ، The ride home was long so I think I slept again .

But this time when I woke up I was hungry ، I couldn't stand the hunger ، I didn't care about anyone .

Sultan, can you bring Noor to the bedroom, I will try to nurse her here "I heard Sarah say that" .

Sultan had come where I was lying and took me upstairs to Sarah .

Do you need any help? ask her .

No." I smiled at him .

I was placed in Sarah's arms and she was looking into my eyes and I was looking into her eyes ، She put her forehead on my face and when our eyes became closer .

Please baby, can you breastfeed? This will help both of us," she told me .

Then she put me in one arm, and took one breast out of her shirt ، I was hesitant and angry, but I couldn't stand the hunger anymore ، I'm not going to lie to you. I wish I had breastfed in my previous life .

Her breasts were of medium size and the nipple was black. She looked great .

So I opened my little mouth as wide as possible and put her nipple in my mouth ، I started feeding and the milk seemed to flow slowly ، It tastes sweet like honey ، I felt so much better and the hunger started to go away .

My mom's finger was stroking my little cheek ، I was looking at her while I was breastfeeding ، It was strange, I never imagined that I would breastfeed from my aunt one day ، It was a great and nice experience .

( Sarah pov )

The nurse took Noor to the nursery during my examination ، I was sad because she didn't want to breastfeed but the doctors said it was normal ، I sat on the exam table as another nurse helped me ، Sultan was by my side .

Hours later, Noor was brought to the room where we got approval to leave ، Sultan took her while the doctor pushed me out of the birth center ، Everyone was smiling and wishing us a nice day .

Sultan made sure the car was safe and ready to go ، I sat in the back seat while we were driving home ، Make sure the baby is safe ، When we got home, our neighbor was waiting outside the house ، When Sultan stopped the car, I went and grabbed Noor and got her inside ، I sat on the sofa I was tired .

Sarah, your daughter is so beautiful, she looks like an angel," said our neighbor.

She replied with an open smile, "She's beautiful like me, because she's my daughter .

I went up to take a nap, I was so tired, I don't know how long I slept, but I heard Noor screaming and I was in my bedroom ، I had asked Sultan to take care of the baby so I could breastfeed her again .

This time I wished and prayed that you would breastfeed from me ، Sultan brought her to our room and handed her to me ، He asked me if I needed any help and walked out of the room and closed the door behind him .

I looked into her eyes, and put my forehead on hers .

Please baby, can you breastfeed from me? This will help both of us, I beg her.

Then I put it in one of my arms as I pulled my breasts out of my shirt ، She opened her little mouth as wide as she could and put my nipple inside .

Thanks to God, she started to breastfeed from me ، I feel milk secretion every time you suck my breast ، It was a great feeling, I've never felt like it before, and I finally have a baby .

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