Interval 01: "Chasing Nightmares"

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10 minutes later after the ambush from the Asian Peace Summit
Mount Funaga Federal Prison

The AC-HMV arrives somewhere close to a prison site. Daniel parked the vehicle inside an abandoned warehouse.

He and Drake scouted to see what activities TETRACORP is doing. There is a truck with a few people coming out, carrying a crate that says "Warning: Biohazard Experiment Material - Keep Safety Lid Closed All Times To Avoid Hazardous Leak".

Drake: Colonel, they're carrying those biological crates inside.
Daniel: Biohazard materials. Something that is an ingredient for more biological weapons. We need to know what they are making.

Daniel uses the Bolt Cutters to cut the lock on a backdoor exit of the fence.

Daniel: Drake, take the door to the front side of the building and find some Intel about this place. I'll get the experiment data in the laboratory.

Daniel went inside the prison building. Inside the prison building, there are experiment subjects locked up in the cells. Drake called in by radio.

Drake (Radio): It's Drake. I've found some intel about this prison. It used to be a Federal Prison for notoriously wanted criminals, now it is repurposed to a laboratory prison by TETRACORP. Most of the prisoners or subjects in here are now the illegally detained immigrants and civilians for testing in certain experiments of a bio-weapon.
Daniel: Copy. I'm heading inside the lab now.

An unknown phenomenon emits an eerie presence, as Daniel pulled down a lever for a pressure door.

There is a bloody handprint on the glass.

Daniel follows it down the stairs, leading to a morgue.

Inside the morgue are only body bags of multiple subjects of failed experiments. There is a computer terminal at the small lab office.

Daniel managed to access it, seeing the experiment logs that some of them are testing for a better versions of a bio-weapon, many are them are for enhanced telestethic amplification for becoming suitable candidates of a Psychic Clone Commander.

He examined the body bag, and notices a double letter "C" tattoo on the hand of the corpse.

Daniel: This subject is a clone commander. No doubt.

The data is finished copying to a portable storage drive. He plugged it out and left the morgue.


System A.I.: Warning. Malfunction detected. Systems unstable. Self-destruct sequence is activated. This process cannot be aborted. All personnel evacuate.

Daniel fought his way back outside and managed to escape into the wharf with Drake by boat.

Corporate soldiers and scientists evacuated, leaving the prison empty before it is engulfed in a big explosion.

F.3.A.R. Elite - First Encounter Assault Reconnaissance Elite 3 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ