Final Interval: Sunrise

5 0 0

3:30 AM

The vehicles are parked. In their location, is a mansion that was previously owned by a Director of TETRACORP. Koyuki and Kano joins in.

Daniel: Load up, guys. This is the place.
Johann: We're finally here.
Daniel: Talk to me, Mimori.
Mimori (Radio): Good, you're finally there. That thing isn't going anywhere at anytime soon. Remember the protocol, find the Homunculi and neutralize it.

Johann: Squad, we're going inside! Ready up. D, Bravo and Alpha team, on me. Charlie team, guard behind us. Stay frosty, it could be a trap.
Koyuki: I'll recon ahead with Ripple.

Koyuki goes on ahead with Kano.

The team goes through the gate and is approaching the mansion door.

Ripple (Radio): Snow White, do you see anything that looks like paranormal?
Snow White (Radio): No. Alright, Johann. Move to the doors at the front.

The team is on stand by at the mansion double doors.

Mimori (Radio): I'm detecting paranormal presence inside. Scanning the area.

Johann: D, slowly open the door.
Daniel: Copy.

Daniel opens the door slowly. Bravo team went inside first, before Alpha team went in as the second.

Johann: Alpha team, take the second floor and look for any traces. Charlie team, see if there's an underground level and find it.

Matthew: Got it.
Kenji: Wilco.

Alpha team went to the second floor. Bravo team goes to the east wing to search for a cellar connected to an underground floor.

Johann and Daniel are searching on the west section of the mansion.

Up ahead is a closed door. Johann and Daniel prepare to breach.

Johann: Ready up. We don't want that thing to avoid us.
Daniel: Got it.
Johann: In 3...2...1. Go!

Johann opens the door slowly. On the other side of the door are just intact furniture, there are neither living beings nor apparitions.

They move ahead as they keep their guard up, but a triggered hallucination ensues.

*reverse speech whispering*

Daniel: Tch. Mimori, it's happening again. Just like the last time. A hallucination.
Mimori (Radio): Be careful. It could displace you.

Moving to the next room, a residue of human ash, floating to symbolize a spirit is just standing there. They approach it slowly.

Johann: Careful, D. Is it the Homunculi?
Daniel: It doesn't look like one, and seems to be harmless.

*footsteps silently approaching*

Daniel tries to interact with the spirit residue.
It gives a flashback of a certain memory of interest.

The memory shows of a Corporate Soldier, transferring an experimental patient in a wheelchair to the underground laboratory with a ward facility.

It ends immediately.

Daniel: The spirit disappeared. But I managed to see something.
Johann: What did you see?
Daniel: It's a memory of a Soldier, who used to work as a Director's bodyguard. He was escorting an experiment subject in the underground lab, which is...under this mansion itself. We need to get to the cellar.

Grinch (Radio): Grinch here, we located some kind of control room. It's in this underground level, some kind of lab maybe? There's a double door at the end of a long corridor. We're detecting amounts of paranormal energy in that door that is off the charts. What are the orders, sir?
Johann: Standby, we're on the way. Out.

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