Interval 02: "Black Water"

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Making it back to the AC-HMV, they rendezvous to the Riverside port at Takagayama.

They hear a emergency radio transmission.

US Soldier (Radio): This is Charlie 0-3! HQ, anybody, come in! This evac point is under attack, there are civilians in here! We're going to get overwhelmed!..... Hello?!.... Is there anyone there?!....
Daniel: This is Bravo 0-2. We're almost there to your location.

They see the river port attacked by Corporate forces. As they arrive inside, the soldiers are protecting evacuees in a secured three-story building.

Daniel: Drake, control the turret. I'll get us close to them.

Daniel drives the AC-HMV fast as they get close to their location. The turret fires the 50-caliber  machine gun and rocket pods against the corporate soldiers as it wipes them out.

As more reinforcements arrive, they wiped out the enemy continuously.

Daniel sees a enemy helicopter, unpiloted, and is just parked in a cargo heliport.

Daniel: Drake, ever hijacked a helicopter?
Drake: Only when I need one, Colonel. At the times I gotta get back to base or HQ.
Daniel: Good, I'm going to need it to get back to my squad. Don't shoot it.
Drake: Colonel, are you?
Daniel: Lieutenant, I'll need it to get back to my team who is also in the same side as you guys are.
Drake: Got it.

After fighting against the Corporate forces, the US soldiers start a cargo ship, the evacuees enter it.

Daniel piloted the captured enemy helicopter, starts it.

*helicopter engine start*
*rotor accelerating*

Daniel: Alright, Lieutenant. You'll be on your own from here until you get back to your base. I gotta get back to my squad, we're still helping US and JSD forces out there. As for the AC-HMV, keep it.

The helicopter ascends and flies away back to the city of Nabuka.

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