12 | Visiting Vince

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"Your future needs you, your past doesn't."


"Would you like a ride?" Noel asks looking to the twins and their friends

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"Would you like a ride?" Noel asks looking to the twins and their friends.

"Nope." Willow answers turning and walking away without another word, the others trailing behind.

Phoenix looks to Noel with a raised eyebrow. "Don't start." Noel warns walking to his car.

"I wasn't going to say anything." He raises his hands in defense.

Noel shakes his head furrowing his brows in thought. "It's progress, right?"

Phoenix shrugs entering the passenger seat. "Considering they made it through a whole lunch with us, without walking out, yes. It's progress."

He nods releasing a small breath of air through his nose. "How long do you think it's going to take for them to start trusting us again?"

Staying silent for a moment Phoenix thinks over everything they have put the twins through. The same things that they had to go through. The things they failed to keep them from experiencing like they had always wanted to. He knew it was going to be bad. It was going to be so very difficult and it was going to be a painfully slow process, but one they were each willing to go through if it meant having the twins, as well as Skyla, in their lives. They would gladly endure the insults, the anger, the hatred, if it meant gaining the two younger siblings trust and love. All would go through the process several times if that was the reward. Besides, they deserved everything the twins were going to put them through, they knew that, they had expected this much and have accepted their punishments. No matter how long it took they had made a vow, they weren't leaving again, none were going to give up no matter how hard things were to get.

"Not sure, a while. A few months at least. We hurt them, a lot."

"I know." Noel says sadly.

"We can't just walk back into their lives and expect to be welcomed with open arms. We abandoned them, left them behind and didn't look back."

He nods again. "I know." He repeats.

Turning to look at Noel he sighs. "We're in for a long ride."


Walking up the front steps of Vince's house the twins take a second to break the comfortable silence they have nursed since they parted ways with their friends. "Why do you think he wants to talk to us?" Wes asks.

She shrugs. "Don't know. He probably just wants to make sure Skyla will be ok when she comes home. Maybe see if we're ok. I remember Mom used to talk to him about Noel and the others, tell him about how hurt she was when they left without a word and how much she missed them..."

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