26 | Park Day

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"The little things? The little moments? - They aren't little."


"Wake up!" Skyla cheers, jumping between the two beds her siblings lay on, waking all five teenagers up in the process with her yelling

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"Wake up!" Skyla cheers, jumping between the two beds her siblings lay on, waking all five teenagers up in the process with her yelling. "Park time! Park time!"

"Skyla." Wes grumbles, groaning as the little girl jumps onto him, her knees digging into his back as she bounces around, poking at him.

"Wessy!" She mocks, squealing as Sophia grabs onto her, pulling her off of the boy to lay in between them, the blonde cuddling her. "Sophie!" She giggles as the older girl plants a couple of kisses onto her cheek.

"Morning Sky." Sophia says, brushing back the little girls hair to place on last kiss on her forehead.

"G'morning." She smiles, wiggling out of Sophia's arms and climbing over her brother onto her sister. "Sissy! Sissy!" She shouts, shaking Willow awake.

Willow groans in irritation, rubbing at her eyes as she slowly wakes up, looking over to her little sister with a sigh. "Sky..."

"Sissy!" She laughs, jumping up to now climb onto Cameron who buries his face into his pillow without acknowledging her, too desperate to go back to sleep to bother. 

"What time is it?" Sasha asks, pulling the covers over head as if trying to hide away from the world. Which she was. To her, no matter what time the clocks read, it was too early. It was always too early.

Turning over Willow grabs her phone off of the coffee table, turning it on to see it was eleven in the morning, which is way later then Skyla usually wakes them so at least that was a plus. Reading the time to the others Willow flops back down into her spot, looking to her sister who stays sitting on Cam's back, poking at his cheek to try and wake him up. "Come here Skyla." She says, the little girl rolling off of the couch and onto the bed beside her, allowing Willow to pull her under the blanket and cuddle. 

"Park time?" Skyla asks, booping her big sister on the nose and laughing when Willow scrunches her face. "You look funny."

"Gee thanks." Willow shakes her head with a small smile. "What park do you want to go to?" 

"The park." Skyla answers, looking at her sister as if she was dumb.

"But which one?" Willow asks. "The one here, the one at your school, the one by your dads house, or the park where we go to walk around?"

"No." Skyla shakes her head. "Wanna go to the one by Sash house. The big one where we walk and see the pretty flowers and play at the park and eat."

"So you want to go have a picnic?" Sasha asks.

Sky nods. "And play."

Willow looks to Wes to see if he was okay with that, getting a silent nod of approval in return. Sighing Willow nods to her sister. "Okay, we'll get up and leave in a little bit."

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