5: First Encounter

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Artemis' pov:

The hunt has been through all America searching for the seasons. It's Winter, since yesterday. Maybe we'll have some luck. 

But those seasons still lead demigods to the hunt or to the camp(s). 

I really want to stop this hunting mission, but father deeply disagrees, and thinks that they could be a threat and turn on us. But either way, we all want to know who and what they are.

We are going to stay at Camp Half Blood this week, because Thalia wants to get back with her friends and help Annabeth. Though I understand that it is Annabeth's fault for Percy's disappearing, I still can't stop myself from blaming Percy for her pain. She made a mistake, everyone makes them time to time. 

The camp is quiet, other than James who is walking around proudly. Poseidon can't look at James anymore ever since his 'favorite' son had been driven out by everyone.

I walked out of my cabin with Phoebe and Thalia by my side.

"So...I have an idea how to catch Winter." Thalia said, her upset and guilty face replaced with a determined one.

"Yes, Thalia?" I asked, as Phoebe perked up,

"Since it's already winter, it's snowing, right?" I nodded for her to continue, "We could wait for Winter to bring another demigod and quickly trace after him, using his footsteps." She said.

I thought about it for a second. If we failed, the man would know we're hunting him, but if we succeeded, we might be able to lure in the other seasons too.

"Yes, Thalia, that's a great idea! Lead the hunters to position Y, we'll be circling him in." I said, a smirk growing on my lips. Thalia smirked evilly and screamed at the hunters to get in Y position.

They obliged, of course.

I had a slight feeling Winter would be coming today...

Percy's pov:

I just saved a 8 year old boy. He was obviously a son of Hermes. He looked like a mini version of Luke, just with a few different face features.

I, like those many times before, introduced myself and led him to Camp Half Blood, knowing Artemis wouldn't accept him, unless he'd agree to become female...or a jackalope.

I smiled a little at the memory of Leo being turned into one, and running for his life. Artemis laughed her head off, but I knew better than to try doing anything funny in front of her. I do not want to be in his position.

Anyways, I was in the forest in front of CHB, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was someone waiting for me. Something. Someone. Like a trap.

Spring told all of us Seasons in a Chaos meeting that the hunters, gods and demigods were hunting for us to get an allyship. 

But I doubt I'd be ready to just forgive them.

Once I was by the border, I told him to go inside and introduce himself as Oliver Post son of Hermes. I already told him who I am, but just in case, I mentioned for him to say that Winter led him there.

I turned around and walked through the 5 cm snow on the ice. I knew someone was following. I could feel them with my senses. I was walking for a minute or so until I heard a twig snap. I turned around sharply, taking out my sword.

There I saw none other than Thalia Grace. One of the people who believed James over a friend, I nearly growled.

"Hello, Thalia Grace, how do I owe the...pleasure?" I asked, sarcasm dripping off my words,

"Don't talk to me like that, male," She said, as she spat at me. I stepped back before it landed on me.

"Now, that's no way to treat someone who lead over 8 hunters to you, hm?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I couldn't resist but laugh when I saw her reluctant face.

"Winter, come with us. You will have to call for the other Seasons. The gods want to see you." She replied, adjusting her position.

"Now what would those...gods, want with me? I'm powerful, but I'm a guardian and only a guardian." I replied, not portraying my anger.

She looked at me irritated,

"Yes. But you could turn on us. So come, now, Male!" She shouted, as about 15 other hunters and Artemis walked out of the trees.

I shook my head,

"You can't defeat me in my own season, Mi'Lady. I thought you knew, I'm Winter. A primordial, the first Season-primordial in existence. The past Seasons were mortals. I only work for Chaos, so manipulation from the gods doesn't work." I said, sheathing my sword.

"Who are you?" Phoebe asked, tightening her hands on her bow.

"That is none of your business, Phoebe," I said,

"H-how d-do you know my name?" She asked, surprised, but soon replaced it with a hard-core glare,

"I am a primordial, Phoebe, I know everyone's name. And do you really think I wouldn't know you followed me?" I asked, smirking at the end,

"What are you the primordial of, then?" She challenged, I shrugged,

"I'm Winter, Primordial of  winter, cold, ice, water, snow, frost, misery, sadness, new life, betrayal, loyalty and the sunset." I casually replied, "and I don't allow arrogant women to try manipulating me, sorry Lady Artemis," I said in disgust. I spread my wings and sped up and disintegrated into hail as I traveled off to the cities of New York. I pulled up a hoodie and went to my apartment-room to call a meeting with Chaos and the seasons.

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