7: Meeting

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3rd pov:

"Why?" A shrill voice came from a dark room,

"They did nothing but throw us away!" another voice shouted,

"I know, Summer, but you must understand, the world is at stake!" A calm, grown man's voice said. 

Five people were standing in the barely lit room. Three were men and two were women.

"You cannot do this to us! You said we won't need to get into such contact with those traitors!" The girl with orange eyes and wings screamed, 

"I know, Fall, but you know very well that we cannot leave them like this. And stop being so angry! You'll create a tornado in Russia!" The eldest man exclaimed,

"Oh really? I know that? Hmm, Chaos, remind me, when did I understand such outrageous statements?" Fall stated in a angry voice,

"Fall," the colorful woman started, "you know we'll put the whole world in danger,"

"Spring, don't get into this," Fall growled in a warning voice,

"I didn't say I disagreed," she retorted and continued shouting protests at Chaos,

"I agree with Fall! No way am I going back to the nest of back biting snakes!" the orange, curly haired man shouted,

"Thanks, Summer! Finally!" Fall threw her hands up,

"Summer, not helping!" Chaos said, shaking his head. Summer, Spring and Fall kept shouting, a man with black hair and icy, sea green eyes stood quietly in the corner,

"enough!" Chaos shouted, making them all stop shouting, "you're going. I don't care what you think, feel or whatever! Winter, I'll transport you in an hour," he said, facing the quiet man in the corner. He clenched his fists, as the ground became solid ice,

"I'm not going," Summer growled, "I'd kill more demigods than monsters!" 

"Yeah!" Fall and Spring chorused their agreements,

"I didn't put it up for discussion," Chaos said,

"Ugh," Fall groaned,

"You heard Lord Chaos," the quiet man, Winter, said, smirking,

"Winter --" Chaos warned, "I said no Lord Business!"

Winter's pov:

I was beyond mad at Chaos. I couldn't believe we had to help the gods. Be the pawns yet again.

I know I'll do some things I'll regret later if I start letting my anger loose, so I chose to stay quiet.

"Winter --" Chaos warned, "I said no Lord Business!"

"Chaos --" I mimicked, with a slight smirk, "I said no Greek Gods and Demigod meetings anymore!"

"Yeah!" Summer laughed, "you promised us to not get into direct contact with the gods again! I mean by helping them!" He turned serious.

"I said it's not up for discussion! Go! Get ready! 50 minuets left!" He shoo us away.

I grumbled, but walked to my room. Oh, you must be confused. Chaos has a planet where he lives, we come here occasionally for meeting and if we don't have any duties on earth.

My room is basically a winter styled on, along with some black. Very cold colors in it. 

I honestly never thought this would happen. I never though I'd face my past. It still hurt like Tartarus to think of what they did to us. What Annabeth did to me. 

I packed a few towels, a toothbrush, pillow and blanket sheets along with other necessities. 

After 35 minutes, we went back to Chaos in the living room.

"You're all ready, I presume?" He asked, we all nodded, not bothering to smile or say anything, "these are cloaks to not show your face. I presume you don't want anyone to see you?"

"Yeah, don't want to get rejected all over again," Summer grumbled. Even though I might not say it out loud, I agree with him. He gave us our cloaks and we put them on.

"Teleporting in 3, 2, 1," Chaos said, and he flashed all of to Olympus' Throne Room.

"Who dares to enter the meeting of the Olympians!?" Zeus thundered, standing up in his throne,

"You will not dare to speak to the creator of the universe and the seasons like that!" Chaos roared. Every god quickly dropped to a bow, "We have come to aid you in the war, do not anger the Seasons, for they will not hesitate to kill if that is the case," he warned and nodded to us, then flashed away to who knows where.

"I'm Winter, the first and last season,"  I introduced in my usual cold voice, I saw Artemis tense,

"I'm Spring, the second season," Spring said, stepping forward,

"I'm Summer, third season," Summer straightened his posture,

"I'm Fall, the fourth season," Fall said, giving a kind smile, her voice like a soft wind as usual, "We're the primordials that have come to aid you in this war," She concluded,

"Who are you?" Athena asked, curiously, 

"The Seasons," Summer said in a duh voice,

"I know, but behind the mask," she asked again,

"That is not for you to know, Athena," I growled, "we'll get going to Camp Half-Blood then," I said, then created a portal to that place I once called home.

We walked out right beside Thalia's Pine-tree.

"Who are you?!" I heard the all too well known arrogant voice of James,

"What are you to talk to us like that?" Spring sneered, taking out a dagger,

"Excuse that boy for his ignorance, I believe you're the Seasons to aid us in this war?" Chiron asked, glaring at James,

"Yes," Fall spat at James and walked off toward the camp, "we'll be staying in the Chaos cabin," she shouted behind her,

"there is no such cabin," Annabeth started,

"who said that?" Summer smirked, before I could punch her head off, "we can build a cabin, of course," he added, making Spring let out a light laugh,

"Why's everyone so upset?" I asked, seeing as everyone was looking down, as we were walking to the big house,

"Ever since our heroes Perseus Jackson, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean and Hazel Levesque died, everyone has been doing badly," Annabeth answered

"died?" I asked,

"Yes, we teach their heroics ever since they died in battle to every new demigod. Their deaths have all been a traumatic experience for all of us," she replied,

"Is that so? I don't remember them dying in battle..." I said, my voice amused, "you called them traitors, murderers, cheaters, liars, spies, their soulmates cheated on them, Chiron kicked them out threatening to send everyone to kill us," my voice grew colder. The older campers looked down, while the newer ones just looked confused.

"We...know. We regretted it ever since," Jason whispered, I could see Spring's face contort into one of disgust.

"We'll get going," I said emotionlessly, and we all turned to build our cabins.

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