Chapter 9: Better Understanding

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"How did you know?" He asks surprised, as I tell him how I overheard a conversation last night. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, and yes, there was a girl before you who claimed to be our little sister" He said as I looked up at him with curiosity.

"Her father was a police officer making it easier to fake her DNA test. She came into our life with the story that she was an orphan who didn't know her real family. She claimed to have taken a DNA test and got linked to us, she even showed us the test results of the test she took and so we believed her. Maybe we just wanted it to be true, we had searched for so many years that it was getting more possible to think you were dead.

The girl said she didn't remember her real name and had been called Alice her whole life. She was the same age as you and even though she looked nothing like us, we believed her. For 3 whole months we bought her everything she asked for, gave her all the love and did everything to ensure she would get everything she wanted. Thinking back, she really was a real bitch who only wanted money and our family name" He explains with his fists clenched.

"Do you... do you believe I'm your sister?" I ask hesitantly.

"Look at me" He simply says as I look into his grey, bluish eyes.

"I don't believe it, I know it. You are my sister and don't you ever think otherwise" He says with a smile.

"But how can you be so sure? I did take a DNA test, but what if it was fake like the other girl's-" 

"Your eyes. They're a spitting image of our mother. Everything I see in you is familiar and the others see it too but are too scared to believe it". I look away again to not risk him seeing the tears building in my eyes.

"Scared? Them?" I ask with my head down.

"I know we all seem a bit emotionless but you are our weakness, we're terrified of the thought of you leaving and don't want to get too attached. The world we live in is also very dangerous and we don't want you to get hurt" He says, as I feel like I understand them a bit more now.

"Now let's eat some breakfast shall we?" He says, standing up.

"I'm not really hungry right now so i'll just eat later" I say, laying down in bed again. 

"We always eat food together as a family and you're our little sister" He says, getting closer.

"If you don't come down with me then Ezekiel's probably gonna come instead" He whispers, making me jump up in seconds.

"He told me about your little encounter yesterday" He starts saying as i get off my bed.

"And boy was he right, he does scare you doesn't he?"

"Wait, did he say I'm afraid of him!? Was it really that obvious??" I ask, panicked.

"He told me you were so scared that you could barely get your words out. He also said that you ran fast as lightning as he offered to carry you to bed" Domenic explains while obviously finding it extremely funny.

'Agh that's so embarrassing, why am I so obvious??'. I'm a pretty humble girl but when people challenge me like this, saying stuff like I'm afraid of them then I gotta prove them wrong. Even if they're 100% right.

'I'm not going down without a fight'.

"I won't let them break me!" I say dramatically while punching the air.

"Wow calm down there tiger or you'll hurt yourself" Domenic says, laughing.

"Let's get this over with" I tell myself out loud as we walk towards the dining room. Reaching it, I noticed all my brothers already sitting and waiting for us.

"Finally, I'm starving," Isaiah comments after noticing us. 5 minutes in and everyone is chatting with each other about different things. Isaiah's talking to Zane who looks unamused and bored while Domenic and Ezekiel are making small talk about what i assume is work. Malcolm's just eating while texting on his phone.

"Isabelle" Ezekiel calls out, making everyone draw their attention towards us.

"We didn't get to introduce ourselves properly the last time we saw each other and should probably do so now" He starts, as he puts down his fork.

"I'm Ezekiel, 26 years old, your oldest brother and guardian. As I said before, I expect you to come to me whenever you're having a problem or need help with something" He says in a cold manner.

"And then the rules" 'RULES!?'

"You must always listen to me, or the others when I'm not around. You do not get to leave without telling us but even if you did, you would still have to take someone with you.

No drinking, smoking, drugs or any romantic relationships with boys, actually, just avoid talking to them at all. Never lie to me or the others and don't ever go to the third floor because we have important work there that isn't for kids" He says with a stern voice.

"Do others follow the same rules as me?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"No" He simply says without continuing to explain further like it's just how it is.

"And how is that fair?" I ask, truly wondering how.

"Because he said so now stop asking questions" Malcolm says with a disrespectful tone earning a warning glare from Ezekiel.

"If you have a problem with each other and can't get along on your own, then i'll just have to assist you a bit" Ezekiel says, looking straight at the three younger boys.

"You three will each spend one day together with your sister to get to know her better"

"What!?" "Are you fucking serious!?"

"There's no way i'll spend a whole fucking day with her" The boys al loudly say as i look down feeling really hurt, like when you were a kid and no one wanted you on their team.

"You'll do it or i'll lock you all up in a room until you become best friends for life" Ezekiel says, sounding serious as i wonder if he was being sarcastic or not.

"And why doesn't Domenic have to go through this shit??" Malcolm angrily asks.

"I wish I could spend a day with her but apparently only you guys need to learn how to behave towards her" He says, sounding annoyed. 'Well at least someone enjoys my company'.

"First off, she'll be with Isaiah, then Malcolm and lastly with Zane" He says as Zane groans in annoyance.

"At least you're the last one" Malcolm says, like he should be grateful.

"You know i'm sitting right here" I blurted out without meaning to.

"Oh yeah? sorry i didn't see you there, maybe grow a bit taller and i'll notice" Malcolm sarcastically says as Isaiah snickers beside him. "You know, i was actually the tallest girl in my class" I say, getting seriously irritated by them teasing me like this.

"Must've been a class for dwarfs then" Zane says in a broad tone.

"That's enough" Domenic says in a thearthing manner, making them shut up. I get up to leave, feeling so done with this.

"We'll leave in 15 minutes so be ready by then" Isaiah says as I realize that my day is ruined. 'I have to spend the day with him today? where the heck is he even gonna take me?' 

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