Chapter 34: Give Me Time

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"I felt betrayed and hurt. I didn't want to see any of you and I was afraid you would hurt me someday" I answered truthfully while feeling my eyes start to water again.

"What about now? Do you still fear us?" He asks as I push my lips into a thin line. I feel him turn my head to look at him with his fingers as he asks once again.

"Isabelle do you... do you fear me?" He asks, looking straight into my eyes. I could cry from the look he's giving me with those eyes.

"Please answer me" He pleads as I feel a tear run down my cheek.

"Y-yes" I choke out as pain and hurt fills his eyes.

"Can you blame me? you kill people. Those men I saw in my own home were... they were covered in blood top to bottom" I say as he finishes up with my knees but doesn't get up from his crouching position.

"You shouldn't have seen it-" "It shouldn't even exist in the first place!" I say, interrupting him. 

"This is how we do things. We didn't become so powerful and feared by just doing nothing" He admits.

"I know... that's why I don't want anything to do with it" I say as he sighs in defeat.

"I know it's hard for you to accept but we never hurt innocent people. The ones we hurt are only bad people who deserve to be punished. Those people you saw down there hurt you Isabelle. They killed your family and tried to kill you as well" He says, clenching his fists in anger.

"Just know that I would never ever hurt you. None of the others would ether" He says as I see nothing more than the truth in his eyes. I have no answer, making him stand up to leave but stop as I grab his hand.

'Maybe he's right? Those people I saw were really bad people and Domenic has been nothing but good to me all this time. Maybe it's wrong of me to judge when I know nothing of it'

"I don't like the way you work and want nothing to do with it" I start hesitantly.

"But I'll accept it because you're my brother and I... I need you" I say, almost whispering. I feel him pull me up, making me stand and pull me into his embrace.

"Thank you, it means more than you know" He says, hugging me tight.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. I was just so scared and I-" "Shh it's okay. I understand, just don't scare me like that ever again" He says as I hug him back.

"Let's get you to bed now" he says as I hop on my bed. During the night, I found it very difficult to fall asleep and would wake up every hour.

I look at the digital clock beside my bed to see it being 4 AM in the morning. I try falling asleep again but hear my bedroom door open. I look up to see Isaiah standing in my room looking guilty.

"Hi um.. I didn't know you were awake" He says, making me wonder why he would come into my room then.

"I just wanted to see if you're, well if you're still here" He says sounding... nervous?

"Sorry for worrying you" I say as he stands there like he still has something to say.

"You know, when Domenic said you were gone I got really scared and so that feeling hasn't really faded just yet" He starts, looking nervous to continue.

"So could I maybe sleep in your room tonight? I can sleep on the floor so just pretend like i'm not here" He says, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah sure, I was actually having trouble sleeping myself" I say, making him look at me in surprise. He smiles wide at me and goes to sleep on the floor.

"Wait, don't sleep there, I'll just feel bad. Just get in my bed" I say, stopping him. He immediately jumps into bed with a wide smile.

"I'm so happy, I thought you were mad at me" He says, getting under the covers.

"I kind of am but I'm trying not to be and to just accept it because you're the closest family I got" I say as he suddenly hugs me making me smile.

"Thank you. You're too good for us" He starts saying while squeezing the life out of me.

"And tell me if i'm being annoying, I just really like cuddling but let's keep that a secret between us" He says, making me chuckle.

"No it's fine, do continue" I reassured. And so I fell asleep with Isaiah hugging me from behind being the big spoon.

I wake up with a sleeping Isaiah still hugging me while drooling all over my pillow. 'How the heck did he keep hugging throughout the whole night? He sure wasn't kidding when he said he loves cuddling'.

"Wake up it's morning" I say, making Isaiah groan.

"Dude just give me 5 minutes... or 50" "50? no let's get up now it's morning" I say, shaking his shoulder. Then suddenly he pushes me, making me roll off the bed and onto the floor.

"Ouch that hurt-" I say from the floor.

"Shit i'm so sorry i didn't think you would fall off" He apologizes 'well at least he's awake now'

"What's going on? what was that sound just now-" Domenic asks worriedly as he comes in the room but stops once he sees me and Isaiah.

"You pushed her, didn't you?" He growls angrily at Isaiah making him gulp. "It wasn't on purpose-" He defends but gets ignored.

"You okay? you didn't get hurt did you?" Domenic asks as he walks over to me, helping me stand.

"No it's fine it didn't hurt that bad" I say with a small smile.

"Good then let's go have breakfast" He says, trying to lead me out but failing.

"Will the other three be there?" I ask nervously. 'They're probably still pissed at me for leaving'.

"Yeah but don't worry about them" He says as I hesitantly nod. 'This is gonna be an awkward breakfast...' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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