Chapter 18: Truth

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"I understand that you don't trust me or maybe even dislike me, but you can never hide something like this from me again" He says, almost threateningly. 'Is that supposed to make me tell him next time because if that's what he thinks then he's crazy'.

"It wasn't that bad, it'll just heal on its own and I see no point in complaining about it" I answer truthfully though i would've told them earlier if i trusted them more.

"I doubt you would know if it needed treatment or not" He says, getting up and walking towards me.

"I need to see them to know if we should go to the doctor or not" He says, stopping right in front of me. 

"I'm fine-" "Don't fight with me on this. You know as well as I do that it won't end well for you" He says as I deep down know he's right. I pull my shirt up a bit, revealing the bruises as I look down on the floor, too afraid to see his reaction.

"Can you describe the men who did this to you?" He asks with an emotionless voice. Even though he's hiding it, I can still hear the anger and rage behind his words.

"I thought you wanted to see my bruises to determine if i should go to the doctor or not" I say, still looking down. 

"That's one reason and the other is to know what kind of punishment i would give the once responsible" He says with a stern voice as i look up at him in surprise.

"What do you mean, aren't the police supposed to handle that stuff?" I ask, feeling like there's something I'm missing.

"Just leave it to me. Now tell me what you know" He says. "Well i can't describe the first two who killed my family because it all went too fast and they were wearing masks but one of them was a bit shorter while the other one was taller" I start as Ezekiel listens.

"The other guy seemed to have some connections to the police as he was at the station and seemed to know one of the police officers there. His name was Dougal and looked overweight and had a mustache" I say as i can't remember much more about them.

"That's pretty much all of it that I can remember. I was in shock and so everything was a bit foggy" I say as Ezekiel nods in understanding.

"Thank you, it's enough for me to work with. Also, your ribs look like they're healing and so i don't think you're gonna need to see a doctor but just ask me or our other brothers if you need anything for the pain" He says. I nod and turn around to walk out, feeling like this conversation is over.

"Just one more thing" He says as I was about to grab the door handle to get out.

"I know you've been through a lot and I apologize if I haven't made things easier for you. I'm not used to handling a 13 year old girl after all. Just tell me if you need anything and try not to hide things from me in the future" He says as I feel speechless from the unexpected confession.

"I'll try" I say with a small smile before making my way out of the office. 'Good thing I don't need to see a doctor, it doesn't actually hurt that bad anymore. I walk towards the kitchen, finally ready to eat some food. I feel my stomach growling as I look down at it with my hand patting on top of it.

"I'll get you some food so just chill-" I stop as I crash into a wall making me stumble back. I look up to see Zane looking down at me unamused. "Um sorry i didn't see you there" I nervously say.

 I may have gotten to know him a bit better but not enough to stop me from feeling nervous around him. Actually, all my brothers make me nervous and even the nice ones like Domenic. The aura coming off them is really intimidating and it just feels very different being in their presence compared to other people.

"Not surprising when your head is down" He coldly answers like we're back to faze one of our sibling relationship. 'Well he does talk to me now so I guess it's a working progress?'

"Morning angel" Domenic says as I enter the kitchen. "Morning" I say as he walks towards me with a plate of eggs and bacon.

"I heard you've got training with Malcolm and figured you would be really hungry by now" He says. putting the plate down in front of me. "Thank you, you're a lifesaver" I say before digging in as he lightly chuckles.

"By the way, how was it with your girlfriend yesterday? She seemed really fond of you" I say as his face turns emotionless and bored.

"I broke up with her, she annoys me" He simply says, in a way, making me believe that breaking up with girls is a common thing among my brothers.

"It wasn't because of me right?" I say, a bit worried. I don't know why but everytime something happens it feels like it was my fault.

"No no not at all. I had planned to break up with her for almost a whole week" 'But didn't they start dating a week ago? so he basically wanted to end the relationship as soon as he got into it, wondering why he even got together with her in the first place then'.

I drop the topic as I focus on the delicious food in front of me. After like 3 minutes of eating I only have one bacon left to eat. 'Gotta save the best piece for last after all' I think as I reach for the bacon for it to only get snached off my plate by a hand. I look up in surprise to see Isaiah eating my last piece of bacon.

"NOOO" I yell as I see the bacon slowly getting eaten by that monster called my brother. I dramatically fall off my chair and drop to the floor with my knees making him look down on me in confusion.

"You monster! How could you? i saved the best part for last and you just ate it" I say as i look up from the floor at that cow eating my delicious bacon.

"It just looked so delicious" He says with a satisfied look.

"I was literally about to eat it!" I say, standing up to look taller but failing with my short frame. 

"Gotta be faster next time" He teasingly says, making me pout. I'm about to respond but stop as Domenic speaks first.

"How many times have I told you to stop stealing food from your siblings?" He scolds as Isaiah doesn't look to be regretting his action.

"Forget it, I was full anyways" I say with a sigh as I start walking towards my room.

The following days are spent with me mostly in my room as it's the only place I truly feel like I can relax and feel comfortable. I've never been the fastest to adapt to new environments and this place is gonna take a bit longer considering it's so different. I spot guards here and there and my brothers keep having these conversations that only they understand.

I feel left out and like I'm still a stranger in this place. I just hope that everything gets better when school starts although I have a feeling that it's not gonna be as simple as i first may have thought.

And I was right. School would turn out to be the start of constant rule breaking and trouble that I would soon find myself in...'

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