Chapter 19: Slow Morning

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"Wakey wakey little shorty" I hear the voice of Isaiah say as I groan out of tiredness. I could barely fall asleep last night knowing I would be going to my new school for the first time in the morning.

"Don't tell me you were too nervous to fall asleep last night?" He asks like he already knows the answer. I get up from bed, too tired to respond to him as I walk towards my closet to pick out an outfit for the day.

"Domenic said that breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes so hurry up" Isaiah says as he walks out of the room with me still looking at my clothes.

'I want to make a good first impression so I want to pick out something really nice' I think as I pick out a warm knitted gray sweater and black jeans. 'It's freezing outside and this sweater is perfect'. After brushing my teeth and fixing my hair, I make my way towards the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Morning angel you look beautiful" Domenic says, making me blush. 'He sure knows how to compliment a girl, the others should learn a thing or two from him'.

"Thanks, you too," I say as he smiles. Come to think of it, why does he always walk around with fancy clothes even at home? I don't even remember ever asking what he does for a living'.

"What do you even do for living for you to always wear such fancy clothes" I ask as he immediately tense up. His reaction was barely noticeable but unfortunately for him, I'm too observant.

"Well it's complicated but i guess you could call it a family business" He says a bit hesitant. 

"Really? That's so cool. What do you guys do?" I ask as he doesn't look to appreciate my curiosity at this moment.

"We own and run a lot of hotels, restaurants, casinos, clubs and so on" He says a bit more confidently. "That's amazing! could i help-" "No!" He says with a stern voice i'm not used to hearing. He stares into my eyes with cold and serious ones making me shut my mouth instantly. I gulp, feeling the same thing as when Ezekiel gets angry at me.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to upset you" I say in a quiet voice, putting my head down in shame. 'Agh stupid mouth why won't you just stop talking' I think as i hear Domenic take a deep breath before walking towards me. I feel his fingers under my chin as he gently tilts my head up to look at him.

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry for getting angry" He says as I see regret flash in his eyes.

"Our business seems harmless but there are a lot of bad and jealous people who want to take over our work. Therefore we have enemies and rivals who would do anything to destroy us" He explains as i realize that he only wants me out of danger.

"By 'destroy us' you mean destroying your work right? they wouldn't actually harm you or the others right?" I say as he smiles at me. 

"Of course not, it's just some friendly competition so don't worry" He says as I feel relieved but at the same time a little suspicious.

"Let's just forget about it and eat breakfast shall we" he says, smoothly changing the topic. I nod in response as I sit at the table, waiting for my other brothers. Only Isaiah and Ezekiel came down though, leaving me wondering where the others are.

"Malcolm and Zane already left" Domenic says as I feel a pinch of hurt that they didn't care to be with me on my first day.

"Don't look so down kid, trust me you do not want to walk with them anyway" Isaiah says as he puts like 20 pancakes on his plate. "Why is that?" I ask, looking up at him.

"There's always an annoying crowd of girls following them and some of their friends are assholes" He says as Domenic snorts.

"Like you're one to talk, it's the same for you" Domenic says as he takes my plate, putting some pancakes on it. 'I'm too nervous to eat' I think, as I was planning not to.

"My friends aren't that bad!" Isaiah defensively says. Not only is it hard eating because I'm about to start school soon but also because Ezekiel is sitting at the table without saying a word. He makes me even more nervous when he's just sitting quietly like this.

Suddenly his eyes turn to me as we make eye contact. I look away, hoping he didn't notice me staring but doubt it as I feel his glare boring into me.

"Isabelle, why aren't you eating?" He says with his usual emotionless voice.

"I'm just um- i-i'm not that hungry" I stutter while looking at my plate of pancakes.

"You're not going to school with an empty stomach, I want you to finish your food" He says in his commanding voice leaving no room for back talk.

"She's just nervous for today, she doesn't need to eat it al if she feels anxious" Domenic says as it feels better knowing that at least one person here is willing to stand up for me.

"I'm her guardian here Dom" He says, looking straight at Domenic. My second oldest brother stands his ground but doesn't say anything back. Ezekiel looks to be thinking before giving in after probably realizing that Domenic was right.

"Fine, she doesn't need to finish it all but at least half of it" He says in defeat. I give Domenic a smile for helping me as he returns the gesture.

"Isaiah will be driving you to school. Look after her and report back if anything happens" Ezekiel says after I ate half my plate of pancakes with struggle. "Nice car" I say as we make our way to the garage with my backpack in hand.

"You think?" He sarcastically says as i menatly roll my eyes. 'Can't the guy take a compliment'. The ride to school was... interesting. I'm left wondering how he still has a license when he drives like a racer.

He parks the car in a huge outside parking lot with a bunch of other fancy cars around. It's crowded as hell but he manages to find a spot next to Zane and Malcolm's cars.

"How in the world was there a spot next to the others when it's this crowded here?" I ask as he chuckles.

"Oh there's no way somones stupid enough to park in our spots" He says like he owns these parking spots. 'Come to think of it, i did see a car drive right past it without parking there'. I get out of the car to see a huge building looking like a freaking castle.

All the people coming in and out of there looked snobby and rich and I'm left wondering how I'll survive this.

'You know this isn't as bad as i expected. It's 100 times worse...'

A/N: Hi and thank you for reading this far into the story!

I'm currently trying to find a good older brothers/younger sister book myself so if you have any suggestions for good once then please coment them down bellow.

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