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people tend to describe human as a butterfly and i wonder why.

you are like a butterfly. where you have your own beauty and wings, your own color- that explains what your life is. you're a butterfly, where you have your own freedom, to fly wherever you want. you have your own uniqueness that you should be proud of. you're a butterfly, where people should adore you for what you are not minding those scratches and damages that you've received. for you are a human, like a butterfly, you breathe, you live, and your soul is free.

just keep on going until you'll reach your goals. just keep on flying until you can touch the hem of heaven. just keep on roaming until you find your own flower- a flower where you'll take a sip on its nectar that contains a poison of love. both of you got benifits on each other, 'cause now the flower is pollinated. and that flower, tend to be your lover. a lover, who will stay with you forever.

&&. we are just like butterfly, we can't see our own wings and beauty, we need someone to appreciate it. our life is like a butterfly. we are butterfly indeed.

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