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stars sparkling
stellar so shiny
scintillating, shimmering
silently smiled sadly
sadness snuggles saying
“secrets signifies sorrows”

anger agilated
asking acceptance,
agony's abyss arrays.
adoring adequate auras,
abbreviating aloneness
as anxiety attack.

dead daffodils drops;
dreaming death, dilemma's deployed.
dweller doubts, denying defeat.
digging dolorous ; detouring depths.
deep–thoughts deleted.
damages declared; depression detached.

         discontinuing dolefully dejected.
                 save me from drowning.

I have enough of this solemnities. I was indeed captured by your deceptive amara, as you bewitched me with your enchanted spells and stabbing me with your poisonous words. For how long you will tear apart my heart?

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