the author

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konnichiwa! thank you for reaching this far. MIST OF PETRICHOR is the product of my 2021's poet life, wherein that time, i was still living through my poems and proses. this book will end here now, and my penname “esthereal” will also end here. see you on my next book entitled, “monchéri crafts (the language of flowers) my frouleisha heart would gladly welcome you as you open the new book of the bountiful pages.

thank u again for reading this, despite of flaws. as not all of my poetry are eye catching because my writing depends on my mood (tbh this is kind of trait is hard, lol) and i couldn't even force myself write a better piece. but anyway, we can't force ourselves if we can't. hahahhaha. ok bye for nooow! see you on nov 2022!

— lots of love

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