Chapter Eight

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AN: Sorry for the long wait. I don't know when I'll update again, but I will be continuing this story. Don't be afraid to let me know if I made a mistake or grammar error! Enjoy :)

Also, as of 11/31/21, I went back and edited chapter three.

Peter was sitting at the kitchen table watching Tony shuffle around, making something for lunch. He was talking quietly to himself, but Peter has long since gotten used to ignoring his nonsense mumbles. 

“It just won’t work.” Tony said quietly. “It’s not enough.”

“What?” Peter asked, startling Tony out of his thoughts. “What won’t work?”

“Oh, uh,” Tony scratched the back of his head and moved away from where he was cutting green peppers. “Your suit. I upgraded it to protect against knives and guns and bombs.”

“Okay.” Peter frowned. “Why won’t that work? Did you mess it up?”

“I’m sorry, do I look like Justin Hammer?” Tony playfully glared then sighed heavily, moving to sit next to Peter. “The suit is designed to protect you from outside harm, it is not designed to protect the twins. Even with the extra padding, they can be hurt or worse.”

“I don’t understand. The padding is supposed to protect them. You designed it to absorb damage.”

“I did,” Tony sighed again. “But it’s not enough. I didn’t design it with children in mind, the twins are a lot more fragile than your organs, Peter.”

“I know that.” 

“I don’t think you do. You can recover from getting stabbed or hit or shot at or blown up, your organs can recover from most damage inflicted on them and in the worst case scenarios Bruce or Cho can regrow them, but the twins can’t take that kind of damage. One wrong hit and you lose one or both of them. All it takes is one hit, Pete. Just one. One wrong move and they’re dead.”

Peter glared at him, he knew the risks. That’s why he needs the protection padding, so the twins will be safe when he goes out on patrol. 

“Don’t give me that look.” Tony exclaimed. “I need you to really think about this, because if you’re serious about being a good father then you need to start acting like it. You can’t go out on patrol, the padding will not protect the twins. Everytime you go out as Spiderman, you will be putting their lives in danger. You need to think about what you want and what you need, and especially about what they need.” 

Peter clenched his fist under the table, he didn’t want to sit out for who knows how long. He knew he’d have to eventually, but he thought he’d have more time. “I can’t just abandon the people here, dad. They need spiderman.”

“And your children need their father.”

Peter closed his eyes, shaken. His heart hurt. It hurt for the people who needed him, who he couldn’t help. But Tony was right. He would be a horrible father if he put the twins’ lives in danger every night, he had to think about them first. He just had to. They were his children, and while he loved everyone in Queens, his family came first.

Peter opened his eyes and looked at Tony. “Will you come down and do patrol for me a few times a week? I know I can’t go out, but I also can’t leave this city unprotected for so long.”

“I can’t promise I’ll be able to come every week, but someone will. Clint’s been bored since he broke his fingers, patrol would be good for him.”

“Thanks, dad.” Peter smiled. 

“It’s what I’m here for, kid.” Tony said as he went back to preparing lunch. “Now, is there anything else you need?”

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