Chapter 2

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I'm 18 now and just started college. My best friend Jake is attending the same college as me. "Ready (y/n)?" I shook my head looking at him. "Afraid the boogeyman is gonna get ya?" We both laughed and I punched his arm. "I highly doubt Myers will get out of Smith's Grove, let alone he must be old by now. He'll only hurt a fly." I laughed. "He's only a few years older than us. He can hurt more then a fly. We'll be late if we keep joking about him." Jake looked at the clock, chuckling. We both had different classes but had the same lunch time. We agreed to met up at lunch and went out separate ways. I looked out the window as the teacher taught math. I always hated math. The day went by boringly. Jake had to sit with a teacher during lunch, so I was eating alone. The bell rang. Last was History, we were learning more about Halloween.

"Alright, alright. Settle down." Mr. Karmen's voice boomed. "Does anyone know anything about the history of Halloween?" He asked. "Yeah! The Myers kid killed his sister." One of the girls said. Mr. Karmen sighed. "The actual history of the holiday. Not what happened here.." He went on to teach about Halloween. How it started, what the day was meant for, and so forth. "Alright class, that's it for today. Halloween is tomorrow. Stay safe. Happy Halloween!" Everyone left class and I was able to meet up with Jake. "Still on for that party tomorrow?" Jake asked and I nodded with a smile. "Don't be a wall flower." He laughed. "Shut up! I'd rather be a wall flower then shit faced." We both laughed. "Have you found a costume yet?" I nodded. "I'm gonna be a cat maid. What about you?" "Cliché. A zombie." "Even more cliché." I replied and he scoffed.

It was Halloween, my favorite day of the year. We agreed to meet up at the park and walk to his friends house together. I was getting ready when I felt like I was being watched. My parents were working so I was home alone. I looked out the window and saw nothing. I shrugged it off and finished getting ready. Jake texted me.

Jakey: Hey! R u ready yet? It's been like an hour
Me: lol shut up. It's been 10 mins
Jakey: yeah yeah
Me: I'll be there ina few. I gotta grab my keys :)

I grabbed my phone and keys. Locked the house and texted my parents.

Me: I'll be out a bit late with Jake. The house is locked. I have my phone and keys
Mom: ok, be careful. Answer if we message or call you.
Dad: have fun. No girls.
Me: really dad? I'll make sure I'm able to hear my phone. Love u guys <3

I seen Jake sitting on the park bench. "Hey zombie boy. Why you sitting here by yourself?" He chuckled . "Ready (y/n)?" I smiled and nodded. We headed towards his friends house. Jake knocked and a guy answered. "Aye, Jake! Whose the hot kitty?" "Kevin, this is my best friend (y/n). Don't even try it." Kevin smirked and let us in. Music was blasting, there was cake, candy, all sorts of food and drinks. "If you want anything, I suggest water. The punch is most likely spiked, but the food is fine." Jake whispered in my ear and I nodded. Everyone was getting shit faced and danced the night away. Jake went off went some chick so I stayed by the wall away from the crowd and swayed with the music. Nobody seemed to notice me which was a good thing.

Smith's Grove

Dr. Loomis went into Michael's cell. "Michael?" He asked, not that he was expecting a response. Samuel sighed. "I have something for you." Michael glanced at him. Samuel held up Michael's mask. "You remember those events, don't you? How you killed your sister and others." Michael started having a mental breakdown . "Come on Mich-" Samuel was cut off as Michael grabbed his throat and lifted him in the air. Samuel clawed at Michael's arm. Michael took his mask and made his way out of his cell. Nurses and doctors screamed, trying to get away, trying to live. Michael choked a nurse until her head popped. Blood and brains went every where. Mental patients that were just sitting in the lounge area huddled together in a corner. Scared for their lives.

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